DS-160: Frequently Asked Questions - Travel
Explanations of the following terms contained in the online DS-160 form are available to you as help topics while you complete the DS-160 and are also provided below. Help: Surnames. Enter all surnames (or family names) exactly as they are written in your passport. If only one name is written in your passport, enter that as your “Surname.”
DS-160: Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application - Travel
The DS-160, Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application form, is for temporary travel to the United States, and for K (fiancé(e)) visas. Form DS-160 is submitted electronically to the Department of State website via the Internet.
Visitor Visa - Travel
Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application, Form DS-160 – Learn more about completing the DS-160. You must: 1) complete the online visa application and 2) print the application form confirmation page to bring to your interview.
U.S. Visas Contacts - Travel
DS-160, Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application FAQs If you need to contact us directly, the table below will guide you to the best contact information for your particular situation. Please note as part of our modernization process, the Visa Office does not respond to inquiries through the mail.
U.S. Visas - Travel
Need Help Getting Started? Many non-U.S. citizens need a visa to enter the United States to visit, work, and live. Why do you want to travel to the United States? Please try our Visa Wizard.
Forms - Travel
DS-1648 Online: Application for A, G, or NATO Visa (Applying in the United States only) DS-2019: Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor Status. This form cannot be downloaded here. Contact your exchange visitor program sponsor, who is responsible for entering the DS 2019 information into SEVIS, and providing the SEVIS generated DS-2019.
Nonimmigrant Visa for a Fianc(é)e (K-1) - Travel
2017年12月1日 · Completed Form DS-160, Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application. You (and any eligible children applying for K-2 visas) must: (1) complete Form DS-160 and (2) print the DS-160 confirmation page to bring to your interview.
Student Visa - Travel
Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application, Form DS-160 – Learn more about completing the DS-160. You must: 1) complete the online visa application, and 2) print the application form confirmation page to bring to your interview.
Pay Fees - Travel
To pay your fee, log into your case in CEAC and click the ‘PAY NOW’ button under Affidavit of Support Fee or IV Fee on your summary page. Please note you cannot pay these two fees simultaneously; the online system will ask you to pay them one at a time.
DS-260 Immigrant Visa Electronic Application - Travel
Review the FAQs below for more information about the online DS-260 form. What do I need to complete and submit forms online? Immigrant Visa applicants must have: