Orb | Memory Alpha | Fandom
By late 2374, the Orb of Contemplation was kept at the shrine aboard DS9 during the Gratitude Festival. Shortly afterwards, the Orb was attacked by Dukat while under the possession of the …
Orb experience - Memory Alpha
(DS9: " Prophet Motive ") Benjamin Sisko had an orb experience in 2373 while consulting the Orb of Prophecy and Change in order to make sense of a series of prophetic visions, including a …
Orb | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom
(DS9 novel: The 34th Rule) A female Cardassian scientist in the Ministry of Science was studying a captured Orb and faced an orb experience. This made her highly religious as she adopted …
Bajoran Orbs - Ex Astris Scientia
2024年11月30日 · The Sirah uses the power of the Orb to unite the village against the Dal'Rok, a creature that is actually the manifestation of negative thoughts in the village (DS9: "The …
Orb - Trek DB
The term "orb" wasn't used until some time after the era of Vedek Synta Kayanil (DS9 Novel: Mission Gamma: Twilight) Known as "Eyes of Fire" to the Ascendants, "Eyes of Light" to the …
Tears of the Prophets - Wikipedia
On Deep Space Nine, Dax is visiting the Bajoran Temple when Dukat, possessed by the Pah-wraith, suddenly transports in; he hits her with bolts of energy from his hands and she …
Orb of Prophecy and Change - Memory Alpha
The Orb was the third of nine Orbs that appeared on or near Bajor, approximately ten thousand years prior to the 2370s. It influenced many religious figures, including the spiritual writer …
Orbs of the Prophets | ST_deep_space_9 Wiki | Fandom
The Bajoran Orbs of the Prophets, are somewhat mysterious in that they defy scientific analysis. They are hourglass-shaped and emanate light and a visible field of energy. Each Orb has a …
Orb of Prophecy and Change - Star Trek : Freedom's Wiki
The Orb of Prophecy and Change was an Orb of the Prophets, also occasionally referred to as the Orb of Change or the Orb of Prophecy. It is considered to be very powerful, causing …
Star Trek DS9 - Bajoran Orb of the Prophets Ark - Build & Finished
2013年3月1日 · If there is a central ‘theme’ in Star Trek Deep Space Nine, it is without a doubt the Bajoran Prophets / Wormhole Aliens. Over the centuries, the Prophets sent 'Orbs' out into …