DS ARMS- DSA For SALE - AtlanticFirearms.com
DS Arms rifles and pistols for sale. We have a wide range of DSA pistols and rifles in a wide range of configurations ready to ship.
The DSA Operational Specialist Weapon (OSW) has become the world standard for .30 caliber performance in a small package. In service with military and law enforcement units around the …
DSA SA58 Operations Specialist Weapon PARA Stock Rifle | DSA …
DS Arms SA58 Operations Specialist Weapon PARA Stock Rifle is configured to get shooters on the range straight out of the box! Included is the SAW Style Pistol Grip, Ambi Magazine …
美国生产的 FAL - 枪炮世界
这种叫做osw的sa58,该枪推出时awb94仍未失效,看来是打算打入执法机构的武器市场。照片中的30发弹匣可能是dsa公司的产品 。有11或13英寸两种 枪管。 枪展上展出的sa58 osw. 在某 …
DS Arms DSA SA58 FAL OSW Pistol 7.62 NATO 11" …
2011年5月10日 · The DS Arms FAL SA58 OSW pistol is based on our iconic OSW Short Barreled Rifle, just in a PISTOL configuration. The OSW pistol come with our 11" barrel threaded …
DSA SA58 OSW (Operations Specialist Weapon) - TheGunZone
2024年10月1日 · OSW: The OSW is a sick little gun that’s super fun to shoot. If you’re looking for a fun, competition-grade rifle, this is a great option. Duty: If you’re looking for a duty rifle, I’d …
DS Arms DSA SA58 FAL OSW Pistol 7.62 NATO 8.25" …
The DS Arms FAL SA58 OSW Micro pistol is based on our iconic OSW Micro Short Barreled Rifle, just in a PISTOL configuration. The OSW pistol come with our 8.25" barrel threaded …
DSA OSW (Operational Specialist Weapon) - TheGunZone
2024年10月1日 · The FAL Operational Specialist Weapon (OSW) is a shortened version of the standard FAL model, with a few changes. It has a 11-inch barrel, a para-folding stock, and a …
Atlantic Firearms,llc - AtlanticFirearms.com
D.S. Arms Inc. manufactures the (ENTIRE) FN FAL 7.62mm rifle system in the United States utilizing new tooling, improved materials and modernized processes. DSA FAL rifles are …
DS Arms SA58 FAL OSW, Semi-automatic, Short Barrel Rifle, 308 Winchester, 11" Barrel, Matte Finish, Black, Folding Stock, Adjustable Front Sight, DS Arms Quad Picatinny Rail. 20 …