DSB Class EA - Wikipedia
The DSB Class EA was the first electric locomotive in Denmark, introduced in 1984. Twenty-two were built for DSB, about half were acquired by Deutsche Bahn in 2001 when it took over the …
DSB EA – Wikipedia
Die Baureihe DSB EA ist eine Serie von 22 Elektrolokomotiven, die von Danske Statsbaner im Zusammenhang mit der Elektrifizierung der dänischen Hauptstrecken in zwei Bauserien …
Litra EA - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
Litra EA er typebetegnelsen for 22 ellokomotiver erhvervet af DSB, men hvoraf halvdelen i dag er i drift i Østeuropa. EA blev anskaffet i forbindelse med elektrificeringen af de danske …
List of DSB locomotives and multiple units - Wikipedia
This is a list of locomotives and multiple unit classes of the DSB, the primary train operator in Denmark. Steam locomotive classes were usually designated by a single capital letter, …
De vigtigste milepæle i DSB's historie - jernbanemuseet.dk
DSB anvender de tilbageværende EA i lokomotivtrukne persontog, mest i den sjællandske regionaltrafik samt i det internationale nattog København-Padborg. EA-lokomotiverne kan …
Denmark: DSB 'EA' class electric loco departs from Osterport ... - YouTube
Oct 24, 2016 · Denmark: DSB 'EA' class electric loco number 3010 departs from Osterport station on the 2107 to Roskilde. The clip was taken from the adjacent 'Hotel Osterp...
DSB lokomotiver, rangermaskiner, motorvogne, lokomotiv, data, tegninger ...
Oversigt over samtlige DSB lokomotiver, rangermaskiner, motorvogne, lokomotiv, data, tegninger, billeder med tekniske data, historie, tegninger, billeder og så videre.
DSB EA Denmark - TrainStation Wiki
The DSB Class EA was the first electric locomotive used in Denmark, and it was introduced in 1984. In total, 22 units were built for the DSB, with about half acquired by Deutsche Bahn in …
DSB EA — Trainspo
DSB EA - electric locomotive build by BBC, Henschel, Scandia.
DSB EA 3008, er leveret af Scandia år 1986 - danskejernbaner.dk
Jul 20, 2024 · EA-lokomotivet var et alsidigt universallokomotiv, designet til fjernstyring fra en styrevogn eller et andet EA-lokomotiv, og var udstyret med fire kraftfulde asynkrone …