DSB Class MZ - Wikipedia
DSB class MZ was a series of 61 diesel-electric locomotives operated by Danske Statsbaner. They were built by NOHAB between 1967 and 1978 under licence from General Motors EMD …
DSB MZ – Wikipedia
Die Baureihe DSB MZ waren 61 dieselelektrische Lokomotiven, die an Danske Statsbaner (deutsch Dänische Staatsbahnen) in vier Bauserien geliefert wurden.Diese Bauserien wurden …
Danmark -> Diesellokomotiver -> MZ IV 1447-1461 - Jernbane.Net
DSB MZ 1449: DB-Schenker MZ1456: NRFAB TMZ 1461 : DB Cargo Scandinavia MZ 1459 : Tegning MZIV 1447-1461. MZ 1447: DSB MZ 1447 med persontog til Kalundborg: Historikk. …
DSB Litra mz, DSB mz lokomotiv - historie, data, tegning, billeder …
MZ (I) var et universallokomotiv bygget af Nydqvist & Holm (Nohab) i Trollhättan på licens fra GM med en gennemprøvet GM dieselmotor type 16-645E3. Alle vognkasser bortset fra MZ 1401 …
Danmark -> Diesellokomotiver -> MZ II (1411-1426) DSB / …
Historikk. MZ er et dieselelektrisk lokomotiv produsert for Danske Statsbaner (DSB) av NOHAB i perioden 1967 til 1978. Lokomotiv typen ble levert i 61 eksemplarer fordelt på fire serier og fikk …
Locomotive Database - DSB MZ - N3V Games
The MZ Class is DSB's version of the ubiquitous EMD model JT26C, and the 10 units of the first order were powered by the new 16 cylinder 645 c.i.d engine which was fast replacing the 567 …
DSB diesellok litt MZ - Svensk MJ-Wiki
Historik. Mellan 1967 och 1978 tog Danska Statsbanorna (DSB) emot 61 linjelok littera MZ.Loken var en starkare och snabbare fortsättning på MY och MX-loken från Nohab.Precis som tidigare …
DSB Litra MZ, DSB MZ lokomotiv - historie, data, tegning, …
DSB Litra MZ (III) 1427 - 1446 (Retur til oversigt) I forhold til MZ (I) og MZ (II)´s motorer på 16 cylindre er MZ (III)´s dieselmotor på 20 cylindre og med denne større motor var lokomotivet …
DSB Class MZ | TrainStation Wiki | Fandom
DSB class MZ was a series of diesel-electric locomotives operated by Danske Statsbaner. They were built by the company NOHAB between 1967 and 1978 on license from General Motors …
Blockbuster DSB cl. MZ - TrainStation Wiki
DSB class MZ was a series of diesel-electric locomotives operated by Danske Statsbaner. They were built by the company NOHAB between 1967 and 1978 on license from General Motors …