Roman J. Szczęsny, PhD, DSc, Prof. of IBB PAS - Instytut Biochemii …
Our laboratory is interested in mechanisms that control the quality, quantity, and processing of RNAs that originate from expression of the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes in humans. Our main goal is to decipher molecular machinery that is responsible for RNA surveillance.
Kevin Waldron, PhD, DSc, Prof. of IBB PAS - Instytut Biochemii i ...
We uncovered a novel mechanism by which cells regulate metal selectivity, demonstrating that a pair of closely related metalloenzymes from cyanobacteria, with nearly identical metal selectivity, are loaded in vivo with different metals, from opposite ends of the Irving-Williams series.
Tamara Aleksandrzak-Piekarczyk, PhD, DSc - Instytut Biochemii i ...
In our study, we identified a metal-dependent protease as a new membrane receptor that binds to non-translationally modified bacteriocins enterocin K1 and LsbB, affecting Enterococcus faecium and Lactococcus lactis.
【少女映畫】Fate 阿斯托尔福水手服【DSC】92P - ImgBB
【少女映畫】Fate 阿斯托尔福水手服【DSC】92P album hosted in ImgBB
【少女映畫】三色绘恋---墨小菊(视频)【DSC】102P+1V - ImgBB
【少女映畫】三色绘恋---墨小菊(视频)【DSC】102P+1V album hosted in ImgBB
imgbb.com: DSC-7292-Copia hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB
List of URLs, ordered from newer to older. 4 Nov 2024 17:16. 19 Dec 2024 18:13
【少女映畫】Fate 阿蒂拉【DSC】86P — ImgBB
【少女映畫】Fate 阿蒂拉【DSC】86P album hosted in ImgBB
Tomasz W. Turowski, PhD, DSc - Instytut Biochemii i Biofizyki Polskiej ...
We are interested in understanding how the biophysics of transcription affects gene regulation. Our goal is to apply this knowledge to problems such as SARS-CoV-2 transcription and RNA polymerase III‑related leukodystrophy, and to improve the design of synthetic genomes. We found that folding of nascent RNA affects the kinetics of RNA polymerases.
DSC-4376 hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB - ibb.co
DSC-4376. Added to 2018 Edge 56K Black — 2 days ago. Embed codes. Embed codes; About; NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D5000 10/3200s ƒ/9 ISO200 55mm — More Exif data. Manufacturer NIKON CORPORATION; Model NIKON D5000; Exposure Time 10/3200s; Aperture ƒ/9; ISO 200; Focal Length 55mm; X Resolution 300 dpi;
Magdalena Kowalczyk, PhD, DSc - Instytut Biochemii i Biofizyki …
Proteomics and metabolomics of LAB strains or complex microbial ecosystems are or will be performed in the Mass Spectrometry Facility (IBB PAS). Cell cultures are also employed to study the effects of the studied LAB strains or their metabolites on the properties of living systems.