索尼T77 - 百度百科
在性能参数上,索尼T77使用了一枚1/2.3英寸共1010万有效像素的Super HAD CCD传感器 ,最大可以拍摄3648×2736分辨率的图片,镜头使用的是卡尔·蔡司Vario-Tessar镜头,具有4倍光学变焦性能,等效焦距达到35-140mm,同时具有Super SteadyShot光学防抖性能。相机微距功能出色 ...
Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-T77 Review - Photography Blog
2009年2月27日 · The Cyber-shot DSC-T77 is Sony's slimmest ever camera, measuring just 13.9mm at its thinnest point. Featuring a metal body, a sliding front plate and folded optics, highlights of the T77 include a 10 megapixel sensor, 35-140mm equivalent 4x zoom lens, 3 inch touch-sensitive widescreen LCD screen, and Super SteadyShot optical image stabilisation.
Sony Cybershot DSC-T77 Full HD 1080i, 10.1 MP Digital Camera …
Sony Cybershot DSC-T77 Full HD 1080i, 10.1 MP Digital Camera with 4x Optical Zoom with Super Steady Shot Image Stabilization (Black) Share:
- 评论数: 47
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T77: Digital Photography Review
2008年8月6日 · Sony Cybershot DSC-T77 Full HD 1080i, 10.1 MP Digital Camera with 4x Optical Zoom with Super Steady Shot Image Stabilization (Black)
- 评论数: 5
DSC-T77 | デジタルスチルカメラ Cyber-shot サイバーショット
光学式手ブレ補正搭載、約13.9mm(*)の薄型ボディ。 高性能がぎっしり詰まった、スタイリッシュスリム. 遠くの被写体も、その表情まで高画質で残せる。 カール ツァイス 光学4倍ズームレンズ. 先進の画像処理技術が、より美しい写真に仕上げる。 画像処理エンジン「BIONZ」 撮るのが難しい逆光シーンでも、自然な写真に。 Dレンジオプティマイザー. 夜景も、逆光も、人物も、自動で美しく撮れる。 おまかせシーン認識. アドバンスモードなら2枚撮り! あとから …
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T77 review: Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T77 - CNET
2009年3月31日 · The Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T77 is a very good ultracompact camera. While I like Sony's touch-screen interface, it's definitely not for everyone and can easily get tedious and frustrating some users...
Sony Cybershot DSC-T77 10MP Digital Camera with 4x Optical …
The ultra-slim Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T77 digital camera features a 3.0-inch widescreen LCD touch-screen display, Optical SteadyShot image stabilization to compensate for camera shake, and Smile Shutter technology, which helps you capture a smile the moment it happens.
- 评论数: 8
索尼DSC-T77评测 - xitek.com
T77采用了1/2.3英寸1010万像素CCD,配置了BIONZ影像处理引擎,3.5英寸23万像素触摸屏。镜头采用了蔡司Vario-Tesser四倍光学变焦镜头,等效焦距为35-140mm,。拥有Super SteadyShot光学防抖系统。...(详细内容)
Sony DSC-T77 Review - Digital Cameras, Digital Camera Reviews
The Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T77 is a replacement for last year's DSC-T70 model, and features a higher-res 10-megapixel sensor coupled to a more powerful Carl Zeiss Vario-Tessar branded 4x optical...