【索尼W130】报价_参数_图片_论坛_ (SONY)索尼W130数码相机 …
这款耳机在上一代基础上全方位升级,采用更小巧轻便的新型设计,搭配SS、S、M、L四款耳塞,佩戴更加舒适稳固。 搭 [阅读全文] 索尼WF-1000XM5真无线蓝牙降噪耳机重磅来袭! 这款铂金银配色的高端耳机,在外观、音质、降噪性能以及佩戴体验上全面升级。 全新设计的 Dynamic Driver X 动圈单元配合8.4mm直径和刚性框架,支持LDAC蓝牙传输技术,带来更细腻的 [阅读全文] 索尼SONY ZV-1 II第二代数码相机,专为Vlog爱好者打造,支持4K视频拍摄,具备出色的美 …
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W130 8.1MP Digital Camera with 4x Optical …
The Sony DSC-W130 has Smile ShutterTM technology, which captures smiles the moment they happen. The sleek and enviable, compact body features 8.1 megapixel resolution, 2.5" TFT LCD display, Carl Zeiss 4x optical zoom lens, Image Stabilization, and Sony’s Double Anti-Blur solution for crisp, clear images.
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W130: Digital Photography Review
2008年1月23日 · One of a range of very similar W series compacts announced in early 2008, the DSC-W130 is a basic but nicely put together 8.1 megapixel metal-bodied job with a useful 32-128mm (equiv.) 4x zoom and 2.5" screen. The almost identical DSC-W120 (which has a 7.2 megapixel sensor) did very well in our December 2008 budget camera group test. (April 2009)
- 评论数: 2
网易试机:一笑即拍 索尼800万像素卡片机W130评测_网易数码
索尼W130配备1/2.5英寸810万有效像素CCD以及高速Bionz影像处理器,采用卡尔·蔡司“Vario-Tessar”4倍光学变焦镜头,实际等效焦距为32-128mm,包含了常用的焦段。 F2.8-5.8的最小光圈值,加上高达ISO3200的感光度,使W130拥有了强悍的夜间拍摄能力。 这次一并送测的有索尼VAD-WE镜头外接环以及2倍增距镜,装上一套配件以后,W130“小枪”顿时变成了“大炮”。 然而档笔者正在欣赏重装版W130的时候发现VAD-WE镜头外接环有个不是太合理的设计,就是连接 …
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W130 - full specs, details and review
Get the key specs, technical data, ratings and full review of Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W130 all in one place. Compare your selected model with other alternatives and give your decision on the best digital camera a solid base with our comprehensive overview.
索尼DSC-W130规格参数 - xitek.com
DSC-W130配备了1/2.5英寸810万有效像素的“Super HAD”CCD,最大分辨率为3264×2448 。 采用卡尔·蔡司镜头,拥有32~128mm焦距和3倍光学变焦功能。 最高感光度可达ISO3200。 配备了11万像素的2.5英寸彩色TFT LCD。 ...(详细内容)
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W130 review: Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W130
This 8-megapixel shooter sports a shiny, colorful new shell and a slightly longer lens, but otherwise feels like a carbon copy of its predecessor, the Cyber-shot DSC-W90.
索尼W130 - 百度百科
提供详尽的索尼W130(SONY DSC-W130)参数 ,包括索尼W130规格,性能,功能等信息。
Sony DSC-W130 Review - Digital Cameras, Digital Camera Reviews
The DSC-W130 offers 8.1 megapixels of resolution, a large and bright LCD monitor, 4x optical zoom plus two of Sony's tried-and-true digital zoom modes, and a BIONZ image processor, all for a ...