【索尼W300】报价_参数_图片_论坛_ (SONY)索尼W300数码相机 …
这款耳机在上一代基础上全方位升级,采用更小巧轻便的新型设计,搭配SS、S、M、L四款耳塞,佩戴更加舒适稳固。 搭 [阅读全文] 索尼WF-1000XM5真无线蓝牙降噪耳机重磅来袭! 这款铂金银配色的高端耳机,在外观、音质、降噪性能以及佩戴体验上全面升级。 全新设计的 Dynamic Driver X 动圈单元配合8.4mm直径和刚性框架,支持LDAC蓝牙传输技术,带来更细腻的 [阅读全文] 索尼SONY ZV-1 II第二代数码相机,专为Vlog爱好者打造,支持4K视频拍摄,具备出色的美 …
【索尼W300参数】SONY W300数码相机参数_规格_性能_功能 …
索尼DSC-W300网友点评 - production.xitek.com
W300采用1360万有效像素1/1.7英寸Super HAD CCD,配合3倍光学变焦的卡尔·蔡司镜头和2.7英寸彩色液晶显示器。 可实现每秒五张的快速连拍,拥有许多智能化功能,例如笑脸快门模式、人脸检测功能、轻松图像管理等等。
Amazon.com : Sony Cybershot DSCW300 13.6MP Digital Camera …
Along with scratch resistant titanium body, W300 is powered with Smile Shutter technology to capture smile the moment they happen, Face Detection to capture faces clearly, Optical Image Stabilization to avoid blur, Intelligent Scene Recognition to avoid failure picture, and other great features like DRO Plus, EXTRA High ISO and EXTRA High Burst ...
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W300: Digital Photography Review
2008年2月25日 · High end Cyber-shot with plenty of features but little to appeal to the more serious photographer. For many months after its launch in February '08 this was the highest …
- 评论数: 6
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W300 Review - Photography Blog
The Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W300 is the top of the range model in Sony's W-series of premium compact digital cameras. The W300 is a new 13.6 megapixel model with a scratch-resistant titanium coating, 3x optical zoom lens equivalent to 35-105mm, and a large 2.7 inch LCD screen.
Sony DSC-W300 Review
2008年8月15日 · The W300 is Sony's best W-Series digicam, bringing a titanium shell, a 13.6-megapixel sensor, ISO 6,400, high speed burst mode, and real color mode in addition to the other innovations introduced...
DSC-W300 | デジタルスチルカメラ Cyber-shot サイバーショット …
高精度な補正で逆光シーンを明るく美しく残せる「Dレンジオプティマイザー」 空気感まで切りとる描写力を誇る「カール ツァイス3倍ズームレンズ」 有効1360万画素だから実現した「約6.6倍HDスマートズーム」 高倍率で高画質な、W300のスマートズーム
Sony Cyber-shot® DSC-W300 - Crutchfield
Take stunning shots on your next vacation with the DSC-W300's impressively high 13.6-megapixel recording. Face and smile detection help you capture clear pictures of your …
- 评论数: 2