DSDP Vol. 41 Table of Contents - Deep Sea Drilling
A Comparison of the Stable Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Composition of Early Cretaceous and Late Jurassic Carbonates from DSDP Sites 105 and 367 J.C. Brenneke doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.41.135.1978
DSDP 367 - Wikipedia
The DSDP 367 was an area that was drilled as part of the Deep Sea Drilling Project that took place below the Cape Verde Basin. The area was drilled from February 22 to March 1, 1975 by the ship Glomar Challenger before DSDP 368 was drilled.
ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY OF SOME CRETACEOUS BLACK SHALES FROM SITES 367 AND 368; LEG 41, EASTERN NORTH ATLANTIC. The black shale encountered in Cretaceous cores of the Cape Verde area during the DSDP Leg 41 are of marine origin and corre-spond to excellent potential oil source rocks. They have a low content of humic compounds.
Sites 367, 368, 369, and 370 are shown in Table 1. The yield of C4-C7 hydrocarbons from Sites 367 and 368 were in the intermediate range of most DSDP samples comparable to Site 364, Leg 40. The yields from Sites 369 and 370 were low, comparable to Sites 388 and 391, Leg 44. Site 370 shows a marked decrease in yields with depth going from the ...
An integrated stratigraphic re-evaluation of key Central Atlantic DSDP …
2024年7月1日 · Re-sampling DSDP core from key Central Atlantic sites defines a revised stratigraphic framework. At DSDP Site 367, a middle Berriasian unconformity is recognised for the first time from Core 33. A major lithological break is reported at DSDP Site 367, interpreted as a base Albian unconformity.
Spatial extent and degree of oxygen depletion in the deep …
2014年10月23日 · DSDP Site 367, which is located in the southern deep part of the proto-North Atlantic, is characterized by an extremely high (i.e., 20–40%) and relatively stable TOC content, high (i.e., 400–1500) C org /P tot ratios, high trace-metal contents (e.g., Mo >50 ppm) and high Fe/Al ratios (i.e., 1–3) [Kuypers et al., 2002; Kraal et al., 2010 ...
Distribution of deep-sea black shales of Cretaceous age in the …
2007年5月14日 · The presence of thick (∼ 200 m) carbonaceous shales of Cretaceous age in the deep waters of the eastern Equatorial Atlantic was first revealed by drilling at DSDP sites 367 and 368 near the Cape Verde Islands. More recent seismic investigations show that black shales are widely distributed in this region.
| Location of the DSDP site 367 in the Cape Verde Basin
... 367 (12 ° 29.2′N; 20 ° 02.8′W) was drilled in 1975 during the DSDP Leg 41 and is located off the coast of the Senegal in the Cape Verde Basin (Figure 1). This site shows an almost continuous...
Raw data for DSDP site 367. | Download Table - ResearchGate
Here, we present a detailed geochemical study of the Deep Sea Drilling Project site 367 (Cape Verde) based on a compilation of previous and new data of carbon and nitrogen isotope signals as well...
International Ocean Drilling Data Archive (DSDP, ODP, IODP) | NCEI
NOAA operates the long-term archive for data from geologic samples collected during the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP), Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), and from U.S. expeditions of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) and International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP), through an agreement with the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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