DSG » DSG Technology AS
DSG Technology represents a new breed of patented high-tech supercavitating ammunition that is breaking what has been believed to be the boundaries of the natural laws. Until recent it has been a known fact that bullets shot into water, stops after a few inches.
DSG's supercavitating underwater bullets annihilate ballistics …
2019年12月2日 · In a video released by DSG, a team in Virginia sets up 10 ballistic gel blocks, each 40 cm (15.7 in) deep, end to end, and fires on them using regular and supercavitating bullets back-to-back...
挪威DSG公司多环境弹药系统能在水中表现如何? - 腾讯网
2024年3月22日 · 2012年6月,挪威一家名为DSG(Defence & Security Group)的公司宣布,其研制出两款“具有里程碑意义”的新型枪弹——一种是铜制实心自然超空泡(General Purpose Supercavitating,简称GPS)技术水下枪弹,另一种是钨弹尖双核超空泡(Dual-Core Supercavitating,简称DCS)技术水下穿甲弹。 这两类枪弹统称为MEA(Multi-Environment Ammunition)弹药,意即“多环境弹药”。 12.7×99mmAPS穿甲超空泡弹弹头特写,可见其头 …
这种建立在流体动力学中著名的“伯努利定律”基础上的技术,可以在弹头表面形成一种可持续更新的气泡,在这种低密度气泡包裹下,物体就像是飞行在由自己制造的一个“气囊”里,从而将水的阻力减小90%左右,这种技术最早应用于部署在前苏联“阿库拉 ...
让枪弹飞行于水陆间:挪威DSG公司多环境弹药系统 - 知猫
2024年7月13日 · DSG公司公布的DCS技术水下穿甲弹目前有两种型号,一种是采用整体式复合弹头的式样,称为双核超空泡弹(Dual—Core Supercavitating,简称DCS);另一种是带有可分离弹托的式样,称为穿甲超空泡弹(Armor Piercing Supercavitating,简称APS),该弹具有更高的 …
DSG Technology (DSGT) - Defence and Security Systems …
"Bullets don’t work in water". Until DSG Technology (DSGT) developed its range of multi-environment ammunition (MEA), that statement held true. However, the company’s unique, patent-protected technology Cav-X allows DSGT’s bullets to work in water, air, from air to water, and even from water to air using standard weapons.
挪威DSG展示新型超空泡子弹:水下阻力大减 威慑效果更猛
2019年12月2日 · 不过近日,挪威 dsg 却展示了利用“超空泡”来减低水下阻力的新型弹药 —— 据说能够集中水下 60 米(200 英尺)的目标,从而极大地拓展了一些新颖有趣的任务能力。
Special Operations Command Is Experimenting With Bullets That Shoot ...
2019年11月20日 · U.S. Special Operations Command, or SOCOM, has begun experimenting with new bullets that could allow frogmen to shoot up into enemy boats or helicopter gunners to strafe periscope-depth...
Shooting Underwater: DSG Technology CAV-X Air to Water …
2017年10月26日 · The Norwegian company, DSG Technology, has tackled this problem with its CAV-X technology. This patented technology allows the bullets to travel from air to air, air to water, and water to...
Weapons: The Underwater Shot - StrategyPage
2019年12月10日 · The DSG bullet uses a shape designed to create an air bubble (supercavitating) around the bullet by utilizing the gases generated by the bullet propellant. This enables the supercavitating bullet to travel much more efficiently underwater. The DSG bullets are also balanced to enhance the supercavitating duration.
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