DSG Clinical Trial Software and Data Management Solutions
DSG incorporates (CDS) Clinical Data Science features into its unified flagship platform eCaseLink. DSG encompasses clinical data management expertise, enables the execution of complex protocol designs using a patient centric, data driven and risk-based approach.
DSG Data Services Integration
With DSG data integration we help connect and build a solid data foundation to support all of your clinical trial needs throughout your study. Only DSG offers data integration with central lab, electronic patient diaries, IVRS, ECG and other third party applications and databases (including CDMS and CTMS) into one comprehensive software ...
数据复制采集共享交换流批一体化产品是DSG核心产品线之一,包含大型数据库高性能复制工具SuperSync、数据采集共享交换平台DataXone、流批一体化平台、文件复制Dsync、数据比对平台XCMP五大代表产品,产品均具有自主知识产权,经过十几年研发与产品打磨,产品 ...
数据安全治理概念、模型、平台总结 - suntroop - 博客园
2025年1月2日 · 《信息安全技术 数据安全能力成熟度模型》(GB/T 37988-2019), DSMM (Data Security Capability Maturity Mode),DSMM评估以组织为单位,以数据为中心,围绕数据的生命周期,对组织建设、制度流程、技术工具以及人员能力4个能力维度进行评估,涵盖5个成熟度级别、30个 ...
DSG SuperSync大型数据库高性能复制平台产品介绍 - 知乎
利用DSG SuperSync大型数据库高性能复制平台,实现多种源端数据库、目标端数据库、大数据组件等数据异构的同步,自动完成不同数据库之间类型、数据、字符集的转换,满足复杂的数据异构场景。
DSG Clinical Trial Data Management and EDC Software
Since our founding, DSG has transformed clinical trial data collection and analysis with its integrated suite of electronic data capture software products and solutions for faster ROI and more successful FDA submissions.
Gartner DSG数据安全治理 架构及解读 - CSDN博客
Marc将其比喻为“风暴之眼”,以此来形容数据安全治理(DSG)在数据安全领域中的重要地位及作用。 《State of Security Governance, 2017- Where Do We Go Next?》是Gartner对于数据安全治理的完整理念和方法论
DSG Clinical Trial Data Management and EDC Software
DSG’s data and project management services allows you to enjoy end-to-end support for critical milestones of your clinical trial. DSG employs eSource and Risk Based Monitoring best …
DSG Clinical Trial Data Management and EDC Software
Electronic Data Capture (EDC) software is a computerized system designed for the collection of trial data in a electronic format or ECRF that is used in human clinical trials for FDA submission.
DSG, Inc. - LinkedIn
DSG, Inc. is a leading global eClinical provider with a fully unified suite of innovative technology solutions and data management services for the global clinical research community. DSG’s...