Each antenna in the DSN is capable of sending commands to one spacecraft at a time. Each Deep Space Communications Complex (DSCC) contains one 70-m and from two to five 34-m antennas.
Antennas of the Deep Space Network - NASA
2020年3月30日 · The 70-meter antennas are the largest and most sensitive DSN antennas, capable of tracking a spacecraft traveling tens of billions of miles from Earth. Weighing in at nearly 2,970 U.S. tons (2.7 million kilograms), the surface of this giant, dish-shaped reflector is maintained to a precision of within half an inch (one centimeter) across its ...
Each antenna in the DSN is capable of sending commands to one spacecraft at a time. Each Deep Space Communications Complex (DSCC) contains one 70-m and from two to five 34-m antennas. There are two types of 34-m antennas.
This article compares the measured DSN 70-meter antenna performance at S-and X-bands with the design expectations presented in Part I of this report. A discussion of natural radio-source calibration standards is given. New estimates of DSN 64-meter antenna performance are given, based on improved values of cal-ibration source flux and size ...
Antennas - Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex
70m antenna After 34 years of service to Deep Space Network, Deep Space Station, DSS-15 Antenna ended operation in 2018. This 34 meter diameter high efficiency antenna served as an important part of NASA and JPL’s plan to provide telecommunications capability to support numerous spacecraft missions.
DSN Now - Deep Space Network Now
The DSN is used to keep in contact with the spacecraft exploring our solar system and the universe beyond. This online tool will let you see what the DSN is up to right now. Which antennas are currently in use?
Deep Space Network - NASA
2024年5月24日 · Each Deep Space Network site has one huge, 230-foot (70-meter) diameter antenna, one 85-foot (26-meter) diameter antenna, and multiple 112-foot (34-meter) diameter antennas capable of tracking spacecraft traveling tens of billions of miles from Earth.
The gain, phase, and pointing performance of the DSN 70-m antennas are investigated using theoretical antenna analysis computer programs that consider the gravity-induced deformation of the antenna surface and quadripod structure.
旅行者1号距离地球211亿公里,通信功率只有23瓦,数据是如何传 …
得益于“旅行者”计划最重要的DSN升级是64m站升级到70m站。 70m站的升级通过移走旧金属面板和结构支架,然后安装全新的外部支撑结构和精密面板,面板表面可调整到亚毫米级精度。
• In preparation for the retirement of the 70m dishes, SMD has decided on a single 34m policy (see AO for details) • NASA Policy Directive 8074.1, Management and Utilization of