DSR 1974-1989 (East Germany) - CRW Flags
2017年11月11日 · Flag: horizontal blue-red-blue, with the letters DSR in the red part. Flag ratio 2:3, ratio of the three stripes 1:3:1. I joined DSR in 1974, right after the merger with Deutfracht. …
VEB Deutsche Seereederei 1952-1974 (East Germany)
2017年11月11日 · The flag was horizontal blue-red-blue stripes 1:3:1, with the white letters DSR in the red part and a vertical blue stripe on the fly side. The width of the vertical stripe is …
Flags - dsr.neocities.org
The national flag of the DSR is the Gautulian flag. The golden triangle represents an arrow pointing at where this nation might go next. The black and white represent the entire spectrum …
钢铁雄心4TNO——国家介绍篇——德国内战——德意志社会主义 …
In TNO, the DSR flag is based on the RAF insignia (with the letters RAF replaced by DSR), and if Bormann wins the German civil war, they'll go underground and later form the RAF exactly like …
Flag of East Germany - Wikipedia
The first flag of East Germany, officially the German Democratic Republic, was a tricolour of black, red and gold, identical to the flags of the Weimar Republic, West Germany, and present …
VEB Deutfracht 1960s-1974 (East Germany) - CRW Flags
2012年3月31日 · In the 1960s, tankers and bulk carriers were taken off the stock of Deutsche Seereederei and formed an own, thought short lived, company. In 1974, both companies …
A much better DSR flag : r/TNOmod - Reddit
2018年8月10日 · Its a dope flag, but not a good flag for DSR. The Black and white is for Prussia, not a state that Frankfurt feels any connection to. The red and white is for the hanseatic …
求助各位大佬 为啥我的控制面板里没有dsr选项【显卡吧】_百度贴吧
GitHub - JKAnderson/DSR-Gadget: A multi-purpose testing tool …
A multi-purpose testing tool for Dark Souls: Remastered. Compatible with DSR App ver. 1.01, 1.01.1, 1.01.2, 1.03, and possibly future versions. Requires .NET 4.7.2 - Windows 10 users …
关于dsr使用的一些问题 - 百度贴吧
dsr的主要功能是让你可以突破显示器限制,能够开启更高的分辨率。 比如你是4K显示器,正常游戏里面是不能开启8K分辨率的,但用DSR功能就可以再游戏里面开启8K分辨率了。