How to rush and defeat the Dragonfly - Klei Entertainment Forums
2020年5月15日 · The Dragonfly can be a tricky boss to defeat: you need good timing to dodge her attacks, she spawns annoying lavaes that will attack you and she has a high health pool of …
Dragonfly: rant, review, rework. - Klei Entertainment Forums
2022年11月14日 · Dst is notorious for terrible AI, but I belive klei are capable of fixing this nonsense. 3. Ice staff method is expensive. Here is a simple math: dragonfly spawns a total of …
How do I spawn the dragonfly? - Klei Entertainment Forums
2020年4月12日 · Well-met is right, to make the fight properly you need to go to Dragonfly's setpiece. Just create a practice world and enter in this order: c_godmode() …
Dragonfly very easy - Klei Entertainment Forums
2017年2月1日 · In the RoG single player Dragonfly is considered the most difficult bass, and it makes people prepare very well before killing it, the problem is in the DST it has lost this …
Dragonfly battle strategy - Klei Entertainment Forums
2015年4月21日 · The dragonfly in DST is so ridiculously hard to kill, since it auto-targets the player, and moves faster than the ordinary player, and is able to hit you even if you're running …
Need tips on killing dragonfly - Klei Entertainment Forums
2015年5月11日 · Baring in mind that the Dragonfly is faster than the player and if she leaves her arena despawns and respawns 16 seconds later with full health. Pretty much you need to go …
Tips on killing Dragonfly? - Klei Entertainment Forums
2024年6月12日 · Putting dragonfly to sleep during summoning phase will deagro her, and give you window between killing her minions. It is recommended to put her to sleep before the last …
The Year of the Dragonfly Event is Now Available!
2024年2月8日 · I don't even understand people who are all positive for something relegated to boats of all sorts. One of the most awful things in Dst and all the Ds franchise. Atleast the …
DragonFly Drops - Klei Entertainment Forums
2015年7月31日 · I would much prefer that DragonFly were dropping more scales rather than a bunch of useless gems. In the event that there is a way to craft the items, some help would be …
Dragonfly Scale Farming - Klei Entertainment Forums
2016年10月23日 · The dragonfly has a mechanic wherever if you deal more than 1250 damage, it will go into a forced knock-out. And if you could deal 2500 damage she will drop a scale. She …