Soundtrack - Don't Starve Wiki
The Don't Starve soundtrack was composed by Vince de Vera and Jason Garner. Not all of the tracks are listed as several of them lack official names. The soundtrack can be found on: In certain update trailers, can also be heard from the Hermit Home. Fighting the Ancient Guardian in the Ruins. Also found in certain update trailers.
Don't Starve Together Original Soundtrack - YouTube
All of the music from Don't Starve Together, A New Reign, Return of Them, and all of the events, extracted straight from the game's files and updated regular...
原聲帶 | Don't Starve 中文維基 | Fandom
Don't starve soundtrack - Caves Extended. Don't Starve原声带由Vince de Vera以及Jason Garner编曲。 原声带可以在以下地方找到: (英文)Amazon (英文)iTunes (英文)Official Don't Starve Site (英文)Steam (英文)Spotify; 歌曲音轨 []
Title Theme - Don't Starve Together OST - YouTube
2016年12月13日 · The track that plays on the main menu of Don't Starve Together! (I didn't compose this, all rights go to Klei Entertainment, etc.)
Save 75% on Don't Starve Soundtrack on Steam
2013年4月23日 · The official soundtrack from Don't Starve, the uncompromising wilderness survival game from Klei Entertainment. This release contains original instrumental music composed and arranged by Vince de Vera, Jason Garner, and Emmett Hall and includes the original music from Don't Starve, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked plus a collection of...
Don't Starve Together - DLC - OST - SoundCloud
Listen to Don't Starve Together - DLC - OST, a playlist curated by Emmett Hall Music on desktop and mobile.
Category:Audio | Don't Starve Wiki | Fandom
This category holds Audio Files such as Soundtracks and character or mobs sounds.
Don't Starve OST - 哔哩哔哩
Don't Starve OST共计24条视频,包括:Don't Starve OST - Work To Be Done、Don't Starve OST - Cave Danger、Don't Starve OST - Cave Work [10 MIN. HQ]等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
Soundtrack - Don't Starve Wiki
The Don't Starve soundtrack was composed by Vince de Vera and Jason Garner. The tracks for the original game can be found on: Amazon; iTunes; Spotify; While the soundtrack that can be found on Steam has those tracks and the ones from Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked and some of the tracks used in certain update trailers. Track listing
Don't Starve (Original Soundtrack) - Album by Vince De Vera
Listen to Don't Starve (Original Soundtrack) on Spotify · Album · Vince De Vera · 2013 · 9 songs