The advance of digital twin for predictive maintenance: The role …
2023年12月1日 · DT for PdM enables accurate equipment status recognition and proactive fault prediction, enhancing reliability. This shift from reactive to proactive services optimizes maintenance schedules, minimizes downtime, and improves enterprise profitability and competitiveness.
Real-world prototyping and evaluation of digital twins for …
2024年11月15日 · Digital Twins (DT) holds promise for effective Predictive Maintenance (PdM). Lack of real-world examples negatively impacts DT implementation. Demonstration of real-world prototypes with Game Engine, Azure, and Tandem. Evidence of real-world success and use case suitability informs platform selection. User evaluations of DT-based PdM solutions.
预测性维护数字孪生的进展:机器学习的作用和功能,Journal of …
数字孪生(DT)的最新进展极大地促进了预测维护(PdM)的发展。DT for PdM 可实现准确的设备状态识别和主动故障预测,从而提高可靠性。这种从被动服务到主动服务的转变优化了维护计划,最大限度地减少了停机时间,并提高了企业的盈利能力和竞争力。
Unsupervised Learning and Digital Twin Applied to Predictive ...
1 天前 · PdM has greatly benefited from these advancements, utilizing real-time detection and prediction algorithms to monitor the state of physical systems . Among the key topics in Industry 4.0, PdM stands out for its role in analyzing data to identify system anomalies . The DT approach is very attractive for combining quality monitoring and PdM.
数字孪生(Digital Twin,简称DT)技术的最新突破为预测性维护(Predictive Maintenance,简称PdM)带来了革命性的变革。 通过DT技术,设备状态的精准识别和故障的自主预测成为可能,进而显著提升了维护的可靠性。
2024年7月5日 · 数字孪生(DT: Digital Twin)的最新进展极大地促进了预测维护(PdM:Predictive Maintenance)的发展。 对于PdM ,DT可以实现准确的设备状态识别和自主故障预测,从而提高可靠性。 这种从被动服务到主动服务的转变优化了维护计划,最大限度地减少了停机时间,并提高了企业的盈利能力和竞争力。 然而,DT 对于PdM的研究和应用仍处于起步阶段,可能是因为机器学习(ML:Machine Learning)在基于DT的PdM中其作用和功能尚未得到业界和学术界的充 …
The advance of digital twin for predictive maintenance: The role …
The recent advance of digital twin (DT) has greatly facilitated the development of predictive maintenance (PdM). DT for PdM enables accurate equipment status recognition and proactive fault prediction, enhancing reliability.
A semi-supervised method for digital twin-enabled predictive ...
2024年5月18日 · PdM is a complex data-driven strategy aiming to monitor the condition states and forecast the failure events of target assets, which is highly reliant on the massive real-time data and prerequisites for the meticulous and comprehensive data labelling processes.
The advance of digital twin for predictive maintenance: The role …
2023年10月19日 · DT for PdM enables accurate equipment status recognition and proactive fault prediction, enhancing reliability. This shift from reactive to proactive services optimizes maintenance schedules,...
Systematic review of predictive maintenance and digital twin ...
2023年9月28日 · This study underscores the application of PdM and DT, exploring its transformative potential across domains demanding real-time monitoring. Specifically, it delves into emerging fields in healthcare, utilities (smart water management), and agriculture (smart farm), aligning with the latest research frontiers in these areas.