009669 - ROSA-DTA Strain Details - The Jackson Laboratory
These ROSA-DTA mice allow selective ablation in a tissue/cell-specific manner.
免疫学&神经生物学研究工具小鼠四:条件性细胞剔除 | 杰克森实 …
此方法多用于研究特定细胞类群的功能,利用白喉毒素 (Diphtheria toxin, DT) 及其细胞表面的白喉毒素受体 (DT receptor, DTR) ,阻断细胞蛋白质的合成,最终导致细胞死亡。 在自然界中,DTR只在灵长类 (比如人,猴等) 动物中表达,而小鼠等啮齿类动物则由于没有DTR而对白喉毒素具有抵抗力。 因此,要实现特异性剔除一类细胞,需要先通过基因修饰技术使小鼠条件性表达DTA (DT subunit alpha gene) 或DTR,再配合Cre品系共同使用。 常用的方法有以下两种: 一种是将表 …
A new mouse line for cell ablation by diphtheria toxin subunit A ...
Recombinase responsive mouse lines expressing diphtheria toxin subunit A (DTA) are well established tools for targeted ablation of genetically defined cell populations. Here we describe a new knock-in allele at the Gt(Rosa)26Sor locus that retains the best features of previously described DTA allele …
The DTA Mouse Model for Oligodendrocyte Ablation and CNS …
To better understand the demyelination and remyelination processes in adult-onset demyelinating diseases like multiple sclerosis (MS), we have developed the DTA mouse model system that allows for the widespread ablation of the mature oligodendrocytes, resulting in demyelination throughout the central nervous system (CNS).
006331 - ROSA26[eGFP-DTA] Strain Details - The Jackson …
006331 STOCK Gt(ROSA)26Sor tm1(DTA)Jpmb /J ROSA26-eGFP-DTA mice have a loxP -flanked STOP cassette preventing expression of diphtheria toxin fragment A (DTA). Exposure to Cre recombinase removes the lox-stop fragment - resulting in ablation of the cre -expressing cells.
In Vivo Genetic Ablation by Cre-Mediated Expression of Diphtheria …
With the aim of developing such a system, we generated a ROSA26-eGFP-DTA mouse line, which combines the use of enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP), diphtheria toxin A subunit (DTA), and Cre recombinase. eGFP is a mutated version of GFP that displays enhanced fluorescence in mammalian cells in vivo and in vitro (Srinivas et al., 2001).
genetic mouse model of adult-onset, pervasive central nervous …
2010年9月17日 · The DTA mouse is a new genetic model of demyelination that allows for the ablation of oligodendrocytes at pre-selected ages, thereby facilitating the study of the mechanisms that control remyelination in the CNS.
A new mouse line for cell ablation by diphtheria toxin subunit A ...
2017年9月5日 · Recombinase responsive mouse lines expressing diphtheria toxin subunit A (DTA) are well established tools for targeted ablation of genetically defined cell populations.
In vivo genetic ablation by Cre-mediated expression of ... - PubMed
We generated a ROSA26-eGFP-DTA mouse line by introducing an eGFP-DTA (enhanced green fluorescent protein -- diphtheria toxin fragment A) cassette into the ROSA26 locus by homologous recombination in ES cells. This mouse expresses eGFP ubiquitously, but DTA expression is prevented by the presence of …
the DTA mouse enables investigation of the mechanisms that promote remyelination in MS and other adult-onset demyelinating diseases. Approximately 30 weeks later, the recovered DTA mice develop a fatal secondarydemyelinatingdiseasethatismediatedbyautoimmuneTcells.Therefore,theDTAmousemodel