What’s the difference between a DVD-5, DVD-9, and DVD-10?
There are 3 common types of DVDs: DVD-5, DVD-9, and DVD-10. A DVD-5 is a single layer DVD that holds up to 4.7GB of data (around 120-133 minutes of video depending on compression). DVD-9 is a dual layer single sided DVD that holds up to 8.5GB of data (around 240 minutes of video depending on compression).
DVD-10 - 百度百科
d10即dvd-10 碟片 的简写,即单层双面的光盘,最大容量9.4g,分a、b两面,两面都是数据面,播放完a面后,按提示换面才能继续播放b面。影片名称印刷在盘芯上。
DVD-5, DVD-9, DVD-10, DVD-18, and Blu-ray DVDs - Advanced Media Integration
DVD 10 replication is a double-sided and single layer DVD. It is referred to as 9.4 GB media which holds about 8.75 computer GB (or rougly 4 1/2 hours of audio and video). Since there is data on both sides, you have to flip the disc to watch the video on the other side.
10 (DVD) - amazon.com
2010年11月9日 · Successful Hollywood composer George Webber (Moore) has everything--money, a beautiful house and a talented, sexy girlfriend--but as he turns 42, he spends his time watching beautiful young women and rating each of them on a scale of 1 to 10. His standards are tough--the Venus de Milo, would only rate a seven. And then George sees a 10.
- 评论数: 1091
- 格式: DVD
DVD - Wikipedia
Borrowing from the LaserDisc format, the DVD standard includes DVD-10 discs (Type B in ISO) with two recorded data layers such that only one layer is accessible from either side of the disc. This doubles the total nominal capacity of a DVD-10 disc to 9.4 GB (8.75 GiB), but each side is locked to 4.7 GB.
DVD5、DVD9、DVD10、DVD18规格都是怎么回事 - 百度文库
DVD从容量上可区分为以下几种:DVD5、DVD9、DVD10和DVD18,其容量分别为4.7G、8.5G、9.4G和17G。 DVD9是DVD容量上的其中一种格式。 DVD采用MPEG2的VBR格式压缩图象,它是一种动态可变数据流压缩,范围从1M到9.8M之间,最大的数据流总共可以达到10.8M,它与以往的VCD具有很大区别。 VCD采用CBR格式,数据流是固定不变的,每张碟片存放的影片的长度也是固定的;而DVD的存放影片长度是可以变化的,数据流采用的小,时间相对来说就长些,相反 …
DVD-10 - 中文百科全書
dvd-10 D10即 DVD-10 碟片的簡寫,即單層雙面的光碟,最大容量9.4G,分A,B兩面,兩面都是數據面,播放完A面後,按提示換面才能繼續播放B面。 影片名稱印刷在盤芯上。
What Are DVD-5, DVD-10, DVD-9 and DVD-18? - Aimersoft
2019年3月28日 · DVD-10: From the name, we can know that DVD-10 is a dual-sided DVD-5. Well, DVD-10 is a double sided single layer DVD which can store about 9.4 GB or 8.7 computer GB and is supported by Video DVD, DVD-R/W and DVD+R/W. DVD-18: DVD-18 is two-sided discs that holds DVD-9 disc on both sides of it.
DVD 101:什么是 DVD-5、DVD-9 和 DVD-10 - echoshare
如果你去商场买一张空白dvd来刻录自己的电影光盘,你会发现货架上有好几种光盘。 dvd-5、dvd-9,可能还有 dvd-10。大多数刚接触该领域的人对这些 dvd 知之甚少。 为了帮助您选择最合适的 dvd 类型,我们将详细介绍最常见的 dvd 类型 - dvd-5 和 dvd-9。
DVD盘上写的DVD-9 或DVD-10是什么意思 - 百度知道
2006年8月20日 · DVD盘上写的DVD-9 或DVD-10是什么意思DVD盘都由上下两片片基组成,每片片基上最多可以容纳两层数据,DVD光头能够通过调整焦距来读取这两层数据。 在制作过程中,把数据读取面向外,两片片基粘合在一起,就成了一盘完.
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