DVD Applications in Visual Basic (Video Control)
2018年5月31日 · This document describes the Microsoft Visual Basic control of this object. The MSVidWebDVD object operates in tandem with the MSVidCtl Microsoft ActiveX control (also called the Video Control), and together they provide analog and digital television tuning, broadcast IP data services, file playback, and DVD playback for video or karaoke discs.
Lesson 19: Creating a DVD Player - Visual Basic Tutorial
2025年2月14日 · In this lesson, you will learn how to create an elegant DVD player for playing music CDs and DVDs. It empowers the user with the ability to choose specific tracks, fast forward, rewind, and eject the DVD.
Creating a DVD Player - VB 6 sample code - developer Fusion
2001年7月14日 · Learn how to create a basic DVD player in VB.
CD/DVDROM Eject in VB.NET | SourceCodester
2014年4月8日 · In this tutorial, we will create a program that can eject the CD/DVD-ROM of a laptop or desktop computer that can also view the drive for this ROM. Now, let's start this tutorial! 1.
How To Create a Simple DVD Player Using VB.NET - YouTube
In this video tutorial, I will teach you how to build a very simple DVD Player, programming in Visual Basic.This DVD Player Application is compatible w/ Wind...
[VB6] Properly Eject CD/DVD and USB Drives Safely-VBForums - Visual Basic
2011年7月30日 · There is a lot of code floating around the Web for programatically ejecting CD/DVDs and removable drives such as USB flash drives. Much of it is a bit flaky, and some of it works by using disapproved approaches involving registry spelunking and calls to APIs that are not meant for use by applications (worst offender: setupapi.dll).
Program a DVD PLAYER in VISUAL BASIC 2008 (Intermediate)
2008年9月6日 · How to program a DVD PLAYER in VISUAL BASIC 2008 (Intermediate). This is only intended as a guide to get you started. You can experiment by trying to make a menu button, eject button etc. NOTE:...
CSDVDCDBurner - Burn DVDs and CDs with C# and VB .NET …
2020年1月19日 · .NET library to burn DVDs and CDs from files and directories (recursive) with C# and VB .NET Framework and .NET Core (IMAPI2).
VB编写的简易DVD播放器软件 - CSDN文库
2024年12月5日 · 具体而言,该文件是由使用Visual Basic(简称VB)语言编写的,具备DVD播放功能的软件。 由于描述中提到它是“短小使用”,这意味着该软件可能是一个轻量级、便于安装和运行的简易型DVD播放器。
DVD Player : DVD Player « Windows « VB.Net Tutorial - Java2s
Imports System.Windows.Forms public class DVDPalyer public Shared Sub Main Application.Run(New Form1) End Sub End class Public Class Form1 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form Public Sub New() MyBase.New() InitializeComponent() End Sub Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) If disposing Then If Not (components Is Nothing) Then components.Dispose() End If End If ...