DW-A50 is used for butt or fillet welding of mild and Y.S.: 420MPa steels. Due to its good mechanical properties combined with less than 5ml/100g hydrogen content in all weld metal (according to EN ISO), this wire is very well suited for constructional steel work, ship building, bridge construction, tank building, etc.
FAMILIARCTM DW-A50: the best choice for Ar+CO2 gas mixture shielding in all-position welding of mild steel and 490MPa high strength steel. The traditional use of Ar+CO2 gas mixture shielding in Europe and the United States triggered the development of FAMILIARCTM DW-A50.
DW-A50 - mygi.global-industrie.com
Kobelco DW-A50 is an all-position rutile flux-cored wire for gas-shielded welding of general-purpose structural steels. The arc is soft, very stable and produces a perfectly shaped bead with a very attractive appearance.
FAMILIARCTM DW-A50: la mejor elección para protección de mezcla de gas Ar+CO2 en soldadura de toda posición de acero blando y acero de alta resistencia de 490MPa. El uso tradicional de la protección de mezcla de gas Ar+CO2 en Europa y Estados Unidos desencadenó el desarrollo del FAMILIARCTM DW-A50.
This rutile flux cored wire is very versatile due to its excellent welding characteristics. It is an all positional wire with negligible spatter loss, easy slag removal, soft stable arc, excellent bead profile and appearance, resulting in superb welder appeal. DW-50 is used for butt or fillet welding of mild and Y.S.: 420MPa steels.
This rutile flux cored wire is very versatile due to its excellent welding characteristics. It is an all positional wire with negligible spatter loss, easy slag removal, soft stable arc, excellent bead profile and appearance, resulting in superb welder appeal. DW-A50 is used for butt or fillet welding of mild and Y.S.: 420MPa steels.
混合ガスアーク・高能率全姿勢用フラックス入りワイヤ DW-A50 …
上向および立向下進を含む全姿勢溶接が可能なAr+CO₂混合ガスアーク溶接チタニア系フラックス入りワイヤです。 アークがソフトで安定し、スパッタが極めて少なく、ビード外観・形状およびスラグ剥離が良好であるなど優れた溶接作業性を有しています。 また、比較的高電流域まで全姿勢溶接が可能なため、各種溶接姿勢が混在する構造物において、極めて能率的な溶接施工が可能です。 立向下進すみ肉溶接では、充分な溶け込みを得るため、初層ビードはストレート …
DW-A50 is used for butt or fillet welding of mild and Y.S.: 420MPa steels. Due to its good mechanical properties combined with less than 5ml/100g hydrogen content in all weld metal (according to EN ISO), this wire is very well suited for constructional steel work, ship building, bridge construction, tank building, etc.
FAMILIARC™ DW-A50 è un filo animato rutilico che per le sue eccellenti caratteristiche di saldabilità risulta essere molto versatile ed adatto a tutte le applicazioni. Salda in tutte le posizioni, con quasi assenza di proiezioni, facile rimozione della scoria, arco dolce e stabile ed eccellente forma ed aspetto del cordone.
DW-A50 - ypetech.com
DW-A50 额定电压:24 V 额定电流:2.07 A 最大流量:43 L/min 最大扬程:11.02 m 环境温度:10℃—100℃ 液体温度:10℃—85℃ 产品重量:约450 g 使用寿命:>5000 h 通讯方式:PWM 使用条件: