Idiot’s guide to shooting skip - CB Radio Magazine
Skip (or DX) is a name we use to describe atmospheric conditions that allow for radio transmissions to travel long distances. These conditions can bounce signals from state to state or even from country to country.
Long Distance Communication – Easy CB Radio
Long distance communication (over 25 miles) is possible on CB (citizen’s band / 11 meter band radio) given certain atmospheric conditions (when sunspot activity charges the atmosphere, allowing radio signals to bounce, or skip, off of it).
How to shoot skip - WorldwideDX Radio Forum
2009年11月18日 · Some skip talkers use a radio as simple as a simple Cobra 29 LTD with a 100 watt amp (or more) to be able to make verified contact with another station a thousand miles away or more. They can use a simple antenna - like the IMAX 2000 (like I use too) - or very expensive multiple beam antennas on 60-100 ft tall towers.
CQ DX Propagation Map for CB Radio Skip Prediction 10Metres - 12Metres.
2020年12月19日 · For CB Radio Skip Prediction, select your Country and leave the the Band set to 10M for the current real time 11Metres DX Propagation Map and the possibility of CB Radio QSO’s worldwide. NOTE Time on Map Base is UTC.
DX-Skip - WorldwideDX Radio Forum
2011年11月16日 · Skip = What your signal does in the ionosphere. DX - Yes...if you signal lands in a country other than where you live or visa versa. Understanding this can help you choose the right frequencies.
Best base antenna for skip | WorldwideDX Radio Forum
2014年5月10日 · When conditions are right I have shot skip with a 29 and a K 30 antenna. Unless you run enough power to make your own conditions mother nature is the most important thing.
Eric's DXing and Amateur Radio Blog: E-Layer Skip Propagation
2012年6月7日 · This is where signals bounce off this particular layer of the atmosphere, and land up to 1,500 miles away on a single hop. This form of propagation is called E-layer skip, or what's more commonly known to the Amateur Radio and TV/FM DX communities as "E-skip".
CB Radio | Citizens Band Radio | CQDX11.com 27mhz DX
CQ DX Propagation Map for CB Radio Skip Prediction around the world 24/7. Simply select your country and the Band to observe the current real time possibility of HF Radio communications worldwide. CLICK IMAGE.
CB RADIO SKIP - peprimer.com
Skip (or DX) is a name we use to describe atmospheric conditions that allow for radio transmissions to travel long distances, These conditions can bounce signals from state to state or even from country to country.
Horizontal or Vertical Antenna For Skip? : r/cbradio - Reddit
Skip effectively loses its polarization over the long distance scatter. What you really want to concern yourself with is the optimum takeoff angle which is a function of antenna height above ground. A vertical antenna radiates in an omnidirectional pattern. A …
CB DX Culture - RadioReference.com Forums
2024年11月19日 · The thread is not to whine and moan, but to introduce others new to CB how to deal with Skip overwhelming local comms. The exigencies of the road. Your experience...
How CB radio skip works - YouTube
2021年12月18日 · Skip / DX is when you are able to talk with far off stations hundreds or thousands of miles away when conditions are right
Skip Map Live update - WorldwideDX Radio Forum
2019年3月21日 · Here is a link to Tropospheric Ducting forecast map, Thought not designed specifically for cb radio, it seems to be right on for my conditions. If you click on the map it will give , 3 hour, forward forcast, just keep clicking, it is predicting a good weekend of skip. http://www.dxinfocentre.com/tropo.html
DX Conditions - CB and Ham Radio - Ham and CB Radio
Everyone on the radio seems to be frantically trying to get their stations and antennas up to scratch and ready for when the DX finally does arrive. For the tech savvy radio operator there are daily updates of Ionospheric conditions for Australia.
FM and TV DX (long-distance reception) (via sporadic-E skip and …
2010年9月18日 · This page has been updated tremendously during 2019 and 2020 with many audio-file additions of FM Sporadic E-skip (Es) recordings made between 1987 to 2019 from a multitude of locations throughout western North America (many from remote locations far from any FM locals) as well as from southern Georgia (Americus) USA in Spring/Summer 1990.
Dxing or Skip
D.X is a code given for long distance signals, say a few thousand kilometres. A Skip signal is a signal that travels in the air to the Ionosphere and bounces off that and back to the ground, covering thousands of kilometres in most cases.
Propagation: sporadic E skip (Es) - hampedia.net
1 天前 · Sporadic E skip (Es) Es has a set of characteristics which, when taken all together, set it apart from all other forms of DX propagation. It builds up from low frequencies to a certain maximum usable frequency (MUF) which may vary widely …
Antenna height vs skip angles | WorldwideDX Radio Forum
2008年12月18日 · Height above ground changes this angle of radiation, so does the type of antenna you use. The lowest angle is best for the best long path DXing, and vice versa. That is, if you are interested in long path skip/DXing. For those new to these concepts, some info and help if you want to ask questions here. Here is a quote from the Ken Larson/KJ6RZ ...
Skip/dx conditions : r/cbradio - Reddit
During summer months DX conditions are always different, less predictable than in the winter. However this is most dramatic change I can remember. Bad! www.DXmaps.com. The original prediction for peak activity was July, 2025, but now that has been shifted to somewhere between Summer 2024 to Winter 2024 - 2025.
Tropo and E-skip Bring Distant FM Signals All Summer Long
2020年6月18日 · On the FM and TV bands, the most common type of long-distance reception is tropospheric ducting, usually just called “tropo” by DX’ers (people who seek out distant signals). It happens when a temperature inversion in the troposphere (the lowest layer of the atmosphere) helps FM/TV signals travel farther than normal.