DX cluster / DX spots - dxwatch.com
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DX Summit
The renowned DX Summit by OH8X has been a reliable source of current and historical DX activity on radio for many years.
Live DX Spot Reports by QRZ Ham Radio - QRZ.com
2025年3月3日 · Live DX Spots from This page auto-refreshes every 60 seconds. World's leading amateur radio web site with news, technical articles, discussions, practice exams and more.
DXHeat | DXCluster & DX Research Tool
DXHeat offers versatile filtering of incoming DX Spots. With it's built in push algorithms, display is instant, while being optimized for low bandwidth at the same time. Rich graphical tools and HTML5 Audio & WebSDR Technology make it indispensable for serious DXers. All DX-Spots are pushed to your Webbrowser in real-time.
DXSCAPE Web cluster
[dx] [ww25] last 25 spots from world wide <refreshes every minute> 9a5yy 1017z 145550.0 sota 9a/zh-018 9a4cd dl7cx/p 1017z 7118.0 dl1jda yt7pota 1015z 14265.0 pota rs0218 yt9ww sq5glb/7 1015z 7168.0 grs012 je08 sq5juj a92hk 1015z 50313.0 1st cq js6rgq js6rrr-9 sq5glb/7 1013z 7168.0 sp5ppk un7cfi 1013z 28445.0 un7cfi sq5wtm 1012z 7178.0 pota ...
DX Clusters & DX Spots - Online Live Data - QSL.design
1 天前 · What is a DX cluster. DX clusters are worldwide networked servers which collect messages from active radio amateurs and distribute them to all connected participants. The messages, called DX spots, contain the following information: Spotter (call sign) Time; Radio station callsign; Frequency; Ribbon; Comment about reception quality or similar ...
DX spot search - Reverse Beacon Network
CW and FT4/8 on a single Red Pit. downloads.
Live DX Spot Reports by QRZ Ham Radio - QRZ.com
2024年12月6日 · Check out the latest DX News... Live DX Spots from This page auto-refreshes every 60 seconds.
DX Spots - eHam.net
To build the largest and most complete Amateur Radio community site on the Internet - a "portal" that hams think of as the first place to go for information, to exchange ideas, and be part of what’s happening with ham radio on the Internet. eHam.net provides recognition and enjoyment to the people who use, contribute, and build the site.
Search through many DX logs using our powerful log search engine. View a large collection of dynamic propagation information and reports. Tropo Ducting Reports. Chat with other DXers and view real-time spots from DX Summit.