Metal Storm - Wikipedia
The Multi-shot Accessory Under-barrel Launcher (MAUL) is an electronically fired, 12-gauge shotgun for use as an accessory weapon to a range of weapons, such as the M4 or M16 rifle, …
CSI:Miami's DX4 "vaporizer" isn't entirely vaporware
2007年12月14日 · The latest episode of CSI: Miami featured a plot that revolved around a weapon they called the DX4 or the "vaporizer." In the opening scene, three gun smugglers are …
Guerillas in the Mist | CSI | Fandom
Calleigh thinks the carnage is the work of the DX4, an illegal electronic super-weapon known as the Vaporizer capable of firing 200 bullets at once. DNA from blood left on the men's …
Metal Storm Weapons - Internet Movie Firearms Database
Metal Storm Weapons are a series of proposed (and prototype) weapons created by the Australian company Metal Storm Ltd. These weapons use superposed loads in a single barrel …
"CSI: Miami" Guerillas in the Mist (TV Episode 2007) - IMDb
After noise is heard in a shed at the docks, not corpses are found but a bloody mess and three pair shoes, the shocking mark of the DX-4 alias 'Vaporizer', an experimental, illegal weapon …
“Metal Storm” is capable of releasing 1 million rounds per minute
2020年12月7日 · The weapon was designed in the late 1960s for helicopters and armored vehicles. It fires 7.62 mm calibre rounds at a blistering rate of 6,000 rounds per minute, or 100 …
真的有DX-4俗稱蒸發者電動槍嗎 (CSI)_類似METAL STORM 一分鐘 …
2010年3月24日 · 槍械及彈道專家卡莉說出了殺害三人武器的名稱. 是一種從未公開的電動槍DX-4.俗稱蒸發者 完全利用電流發射.只要按下一個擎. 每秒可射出200顆子彈.一分鐘可射出10萬 …
Is the DX4 vaporizer real? - AnswersAll
2021年4月21日 · Is the DX4 vaporizer real? The DX4 in this clip is a prototype made by Australian-based Metal Storm, which is an appropriate name for a company that makes a gun …
DX-4 Plasma Rifle | V2RocketProductions Wiki | Fandom
The DX-4 Plasma Rifle is an experimental wonder weapon designed and developed by Group 935. It is issued to the Blitz Troopers of the Schutzstaffel and like the others, is considered a …
CSI: Miami--'Guerillas In The Mist' | Talk CSI
2007年12月12日 · Three gun runners are literally vaporized at a warehouse at the Port of Miami while handling smuggled firearms. Calleigh thinks the carnage is the work of the DX4, an …