da form 3425, apr 2023 previous editions are obsolete. APDAEM1.00ES condition or physical impairment that precludes their participation in the basic course, Army ROTC, a program
Army Publishing Directorate
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Medical Qualification (DA Form 3425-R) - Army
You must be medically qualified to be in Army ROTC. You are required to complete a DA Form 3425-R (link below). Print the form and follow the instructions on the bottom. Return the physician signed original form to ROTC Admin in person, or have the form FAXED to …
DATE MEDICALFITNESSSTATEMENT FORENROLLMENTINBASICCOURSE,SENIORROTC Foruseof this form, seeAR 145-1; the proponent agency isODSCPER Ihaveexamined andfindnomedical
DA FORM 3425-R, 1 SEP 68 USAPPC V1.00 I have examined and find no medical DATE SIGNATURE OF PHYSICIAN . Title: Printing S:AROTCFORMSDAFORMSA3425_R.FRO Author: rabner Created Date:
DA FORM 3425-R, 1 SEP 68 USAPPC V1.00 NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: Signature must be accompanied with physician's stamp. SIGNATURE OF PHYSICIAN MEDICAL FITNESS STATEMENT FOR ENROLLMENT IN BASIC COURSE, SENIOR ROTC For use of this form, see AR 145-1, the proponent agency is ODSCPER. Author:
DA FORM 3425-R, 1 SEP 68 Doctor's Information Designee (Please print clearly) Doctor's name: (Include the practice name) Address: Phone number:
Medical Fitness Statement for Enrollment in Basic Course, Senior …
Medical Fitness Statement for Enrollment in Basic Course, Senior ROTC
Enrollment Documents — University of Oregon Army ROTC
Click on the links below to access the PDFs. CC 136. Briefing on Government Benefits for ROTC Cadets. CC 137. Authorization/Declination for Student Records. CC 139. Cadet application and enrollment record. DA 3425-R. Medical fitness statEment. DD 2983. Trainee Activites acknowledgement. Dental Records Location Form. Want to keep updated?
DA FORM 3425-R, 1 SEP 68 USAPPC V1.00 I have examined and find no medical DATE SIGNATURE OF PHYSICIAN . Title: Printing S:AROTCFORMSDAFORMSA3425_R.FRO Author: rabner Created Date:
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