Army Publishing Directorate
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2015年8月1日 · Recording the identifying data of your high-value property can assist in recovering lost or stolen property and processing claims against the Government, private insurance, or both, as appropriate....
When you have completed marking your property, display DA Label 167, Warning, Army Operation Identification, in a conspicuous location outside your room or building, announcing that property inside has been marked for identification by law enforcement agencies.
DA Form 4986 – Fill Out and Use This PDF - FormsPal
The DA Form 4986 is officially titled "Personal Property Record" and serves as a vital document for recording identifying data of individual personal property in accordance with AR 190-31, with the overseeing agency being DCSPER. This form plays a crucial role in the recovery and return of lost or stolen high-value items, also aiding in the ...
- 评论数: 2
DA 4986 1981-2025 - Fill and Sign Printable Template Online
Complete DA 4986 1981-2025 online with US Legal Forms. Easily fill out PDF blank, edit, and sign them. Save or instantly send your ready documents.
U.S. Marine Corps Forces Korea
Fill Your Da 4986 Template Here ⋆ LegalTemplates.info
The DA Form 4986, known as the Personal Property Record, serves a crucial function by allowing service members to document identifying data of their high-value personal property. Created in accordance with AR 190-31, the form is backed by the authority of Title 10, USC 3012, and 5 USC 301, aiming to aid in the recovery of lost or stolen items ...
- 评论数: 1
DA Form 4986 Personal Property Record - TemplateRoller
What Is DA Form 4986? DA Form 4986, Personal Property Record, was a form previously used for documenting and identifying personal high-value property. This includes any personal possession estimated at around $50 or more.
- 评论数: 41
Da 4986 Army 1981-2025 Form - signNow
Army Form Personal. Get a fillable Da Form 4986 template online. Complete and sign it in seconds from your desktop or mobile device, anytime and anywhere.
Da Form 4986 - Fill Online, Printable, Fillable, Blank | pdfFiller
What is Form DA 4986 for? The principal purpose of this Personal Property Record form is to record identifying data of individual personal property. Recording identifying data of soldier’s high-value property will help in recovering lost or stolen property, and for claims against the Government and/or private insurance, as appropriate.
- 评论数: 408