Reserve and National Guard Incapacitation Pay
2008年6月29日 · Attached is DA PAM 135-381, which list the procedures for processing INCAP pay and DA Form 7574, which is the form for claiming INCAP pay in the Army Reserve or National Guard. One of the issues I see with INCAP pay is that the unit does not assist the Soldier in preparing the DA 7574. If this form is not submitted, no payment will be made.
Army reserve PEB process for PTSD and the DA 7574-1: …
2019年3月15日 · What are the best courses of action? I am thinking of having my VA Psychiatrist fill out the DA 7574-1 to request that I not attend drill because this is a major stressor. Does that form allow me to not drill as it seems like it does? If so, …
Army Reserve Medical Board, unfit for duty process, DA 7574-1 ...
Army Reserve Medical Board, unfit for duty process, DA 7574-1 usefulness, requesting assistance in understanding options Thread starter David89 Start date Mar 15, 2019
Are/Were you due INCAP pay? | Physical Evaluation Board Forum
2014年2月9日 · If you haven't already, carefully read over DA PAM 135-381, section 2-1 is YOUR responsibilities and section 2-2 is the UNIT's. Then formally request INCAP pay (if you haven't already), via e-mail so you have a record of it. Push to be evaluated by a Military Physician and have the 7574-1 (good for 90 days at a time) properly filled out.
INCAP and VA payments for Army Reserve
2013年2月21日 · UP AR 135-381 and DA Pam 135-381. Both AR 135-381 and DA Pam 135-381 state that a Soldier must offset INCAP by any DV A payments received. This is consistent with the statement in your request that your office has relied on AR 135-381 to direct a Soldier to elect to receive either military pay (i.e., INCAP) or OVA pay.
DFAS / VA overpayment options | Physical Evaluation Board Forum
2015年7月3日 · The applicable Army Regulation AR 135-381, clearly states several times that the DVA overpayment in question is for the SAME condition(s) as Solider is receiving INCAP pay for. The wording for "same condition" is mirrored in DA PAM 135-381, and on the monthly INCAP claim form DA 7574-1.
ADOS and LOD question | Page 2 - Physical Evaluation Board Forum
2009年5月20日 · Just need your and the Commander's (or his/her representative) signature on the 4187. Send (Email) it through. I would call and confirm receipt and call every two days for status.
Are/Were you due INCAP pay? | Page 2 - Page 2 | Physical …
2014年2月9日 · I'm guessing you already know that DA PAM 135-381 and AR 135-381 are the Army's instructions and regulations regarding INCAP, also look at DODI's 1241.2 and 1241.01, the latter supersedes the former, but it's the latter (1241.2) that goes in depth about the safeguard's such as being paid within 30 days of formally requesting INCAP.
MMPS/MMA | Physical Evaluation Board Forum
2014年11月5日 · can anyone explain the point of the MMPS/MMA? The other question I have is about fit for duty and incap pay. I collected 6 months of incap pay and was "Not.
VA compensation and Military incap pay - Physical Evaluation …
2011年6月23日 · I got into a head butting contest over the reg with the HHS with G1 assigned to process my application. He has been holding up sending my application to the incap board for one reason or another. He is demanding to know how much I get paid by the VA and instructing me to count it as earned income on the DA 7574.