达达主义 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
达达主义 (法語: Dada 或 dadaïsme)是一场兴起于 第一次世界大战 时期的文艺运动,發源地是 苏黎世,涉及 视觉艺术 、 文学 (主要是 诗歌)、 戏剧 和 美术设计 等领域。 达达主义是20世纪西方文艺发展历程中的一个重要流派,是因戰爭颠覆、摧毁旧有 欧洲 社会和文化秩序的产物。 达达主义作为一场文艺运动持续的时间較短,然而其波及范围却很广,並对20世纪的所有 现代主义 文艺流派都产生了影响。 达达主义者的活动包括公开集会、 示威 、出版 艺术 及 文学 期刊等 …
Dadaism - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dadaism is an avant-garde intellectual movement. It started around the time of the First World War. Although not at first an art movement, [1] p60/61 it did influence art greatly for a time.
达达是兴起于“一战”期间的艺术运动。 它首先出现于瑞士的苏黎世,继而在纽约、巴黎、柏林、科隆等许多城市涌现。 达达主义更多地表现为思想态度的共识,而不是统一的风格,在诗歌、音乐与绘画中都有表现。 在达达主义者眼里,战争是一场疯狂的集体屠杀。 他们认为,这场巨大的灾难与崇尚强权的理性主义思维逻辑有关,只有通过反理性的、无政府的策略和唤醒人们内心直觉的方式才能拯救社会。 因此,达达用虚无主义的态度表达对荒谬的感受。 [1] 马塞尔·杜尚 是达达 …
What is Dadaism — Movement, Style, and Artists Explained
2022年9月18日 · Dadaism is an art movement which arose in 1916 in Zurich, Switzerland, and lasted until the mid 1920s. The movement was firmly planted within the avant-garde, and staunchly rejected any norms of the artistic world at the time. Pure Dada rebuffs reason, logic, and rationality in favor of chance.
Dada | Definition & History | Britannica
Dada, nihilistic and antiaesthetic movement in the arts that flourished primarily in Zürich, Switzerland; New York City; Berlin, Cologne, and Hannover, Germany; and Paris in the early 20th century. Ball, Hugo Hugo Ball, 1916. Several explanations have been given by various members of the movement as to how it received its name.
What is dadaism, dada art, or a dadaist? | Artland Magazine
What is Dadaism? Dadaism is an artistic movement from the early 20th century, predating surrealism and with its roots in a number of major European artistic capitals. Developed in response to the horrors of WW1 the dada movement rejected reason, rationality, and order of the emerging capitalist society, instead favoring chaos, nonsense, and ...
Dada Movement Overview and Key Ideas | TheArtStory
Dada was an artistic and literary movement that began in Zürich, Switzerland. It arose as a reaction to World War I and the nationalism that many thought had led to the war.
什么是达达主义? - 知乎
街的一头是我们熟悉的列宁,另一头是达达主义(Dadaism)创始人Hugo Ball。 乍看,革命家列宁和疯癫的达达主义艺术家没有任何关联。 但是在当时,流亡异乡的他们在苏黎世都陷入了同一种愤怒:对资本主义,帝国主义的愤怒。
各种"主义" | "反艺术"精神的化身——达达主义 - 知乎
对这个问题的回答必须回到时代之中,探源当时社会涌动的精神洪流,思考艺术家集体出走和叛逃艺术的风尚背后暗含的 达达主义 (Dadaism)精神。 达达主义与其特点
Dadaism: 12 Iconic Artworks From The Dada Art Movement
2024年8月5日 · Dadaism was an avant-garde artistic and cultural movement prompted by the European societal climate after World War I. It was a rejection of modern capitalism, bourgeois culture, and wartime politics that aligned with other far-left radical groups.