德语助手|德汉-汉德词典 darauf是什么意思_darauf的中文解释和发音_darauf的翻译_darauf …
德语代副词(Pronominaladverb) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
代副词是一种具有代词作用的副词,分为 指示代副词 和 疑问代副词。 1. 构成. 指示代副词: da+ (r)Präp. 少数情况下有hier+介词. (知道就行了) 例如:damit, dabei, dafür, darüber, davon, daran, darauf, darum. 疑问代副词: wo+ (r)Präp. 例如:womit, worum, woran, worüber, wobei, wofür, worauf, wovon. 介词首字母为元音a,u,o,e,i,ü,ö,ä.时,加r. 2. 用法. 指示代副词: a. 指代 前面 的某一个 句子成分 或 整个句子. Er schikte mir ein Buch. Ich freue mich darüber.
DARAUF德语-英语翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
DARAUF翻译:on it/them, about it/them, to it/them, after that, on it/them。了解更多。
German Da Words [How to Use: damit, darüber, darauf…]
Feb 4, 2022 · With German da words it helps to think of da- as meaning ‘it’, ‘that’ or ‘them’. In English we say things like ‘I’ll think about it ‘ but in German, if da- means ‘it’, that sentence translates as ‘I’ll think it about ‘ (da = ‘it’ + the preposition = dar-über = ‘it about’).
darauf, davor, daran - The German Da-Words Explained - Your …
daran, darauf, damit, dadurch, danach, dazu, etc… Those da-words seem to be in every other German sentence, and they also seem really hard to translate sometimes. But they actually are a very essential part of German. Like… You cannot talk fluently without them, and you do need to fully master them to pass any higher German language test.
English translation of 'darauf' - Collins Online Dictionary
English Translation of “DARAUF” | The official Collins German-English Dictionary online. Over 100,000 English translations of German words and phrases.
darauf? darüber? ドイツ語「代名詞的副詞」を押さえよう!
Dec 21, 2024 · 「代名詞的副詞」とは、 dabei, darauf などの da(r)- +前置詞 で構成される語句を指します。 少し分かりづらく感じるかもしれませんが、使いこなせると 喋るのがラクになる優れもの です。
德语中daran darauf daruber dafur的区别和用法谢谢 - 百度知道
Nov 13, 2012 · daran相当于on it,to it;darauf相当于hereon,thereupon等;daruber相当于about that,over it等,而dafur则相当于for that,therefore等含义。 这样类比不知对您是否有帮助。
What Does “davon”, “darauf” and “damit” Mean In German?
Apr 23, 2020 · In order to understand the exact meaning of a “da-word”, we need to follow these steps: Look for the verb: (1) sprechen, (2) erzählen (3) lernen. Identify the preposition: (1) über, (2) von, (3) mit (if the preposition starts with a vowel, we have to put an -r- …
DARAUF | translate German to English - Cambridge Dictionary
DARAUF translate: on it/them, about it/them, to it/them, after that, on it/them. Learn more in the Cambridge German-English Dictionary.