如何理解DAG数据结构,并且用浅显易懂的话说出来? - 知乎
dag是一种数据存储结构,从它被发明的30多年来一直都有人使用,本身并没有问题。但它和区块链的区别在于dag没有传统意义上的共识,每笔交易的可信与否取决于相信这笔交易的人数。 …
为什么很多分布式系统都是以DAG(Directed acyclic graph )实现 …
不是说分布式系统的计算要用 dag 来实现,而是数据的处理流程本来就是这样的,我们抽象了一下,发现可以他总是可以描述为一个 dag。 早期只有 MapReduce 的时候,Hive 就是把一个计 …
为什么很多分布式系统都是以DAG(Directed acyclic graph )实现 …
这个过程称为dag的线性化过程,也称为dag的拓扑排序,这里的排序并不是指大小上的有序,而是指时间上的有序。因有可能子流程间不存在时间上的依赖性,如上图的2和3以及4和5节点, …
How to Trigger a DAG on the success of a another DAG in Airflow …
2020年4月30日 · ### In parent_dag.py ### from airflow.operators.trigger_dagrun import TriggerDagRunOperator # changed import from airflow.utils.trigger_rule import TriggerRule …
python - How to Run a Simple Airflow DAG - Stack Overflow
2017年1月23日 · Backfilling is done to run DAG explicitly to test/manually run DAG/re run a DAG which error-ed out. You do this using CLI. airflow backfill -s <<start_date>> <<dag>> …
airflow - Is there a benefit to use the "with dag as DAG(...)" clause ...
Specifically, it ensures that unmanaged resources -in this case implementations of the DAG class- are properly cleaned up, even if there are exceptions thrown (without needing to use a …
python - Airflow - find dag run of specific dag id by execution date ...
2010年1月10日 · I would like to find all the dag runs for a specific dag for a specific execution date. As I read on the documentation there is this function: dag_runs = …
airflow - DAG marked as "success" if one task fails, because of …
2018年8月7日 · I have the following DAG with 3 tasks: start --> special_task --> end The task in the middle can succeed or fail, but end must always be executed (imagine this is a task …
graph - Visualizing a DAG - Stack Overflow
2016年4月5日 · I have a large directed acyclic graph that I would like to visualize in a bitmap image. Ideally I'd like to have all the root nodes at the top of the image, and all of the leaf …
how to get latest execution time of a dag run in airflow
2020年9月6日 · The PythonOperator op_args parameter is templatized.. The callable only writes the latest execution date to a file so you can implement the function the following way: