Welcome to DAF Trucks Corporate – Driven by Quality
DAF Trucks NV is a leading commercial vehicle manufacturer in Europe, offering a complete range of trucks: the New Generation DAF XG⁺, XG, XF, XD and XB. DAF is a wholly-owned subsidiary of PACCAR Inc.
DAF Trucks - Wikipedia
DAF Trucks is a Dutch truck manufacturing company and a division of Paccar. DAF originally stood for van Doorne's Aanhangwagen Fabriek. Its headquarters and main plant are in Eindhoven. [2] Cabs and axle assemblies are produced at its Westerlo plant in Belgium.
DAF Trucks Global – Choose your Country or Market
DAF Trucks N.V. DAF offers you industry-leading trucks and services for highest transport efficiency. Visit your country site to view market specific information about all our models and services.
DAF model range - DAF Trucks N.V.
Our DAF trucks offer the best solution tailored to every application. Your DAF dealer guides you through the selection process using state-of-the-art software to ensure that specifications exactly match your needs. Discover the New Generation DAF trucks for long and heavy haulage.
New Generation DAF XF, XG and XG⁺ - DAF Countries
Discover the New Generation DAF trucks for long and heavy haulage, featuring a highly attractive and very aerodynamic design. Class-leading efficiency, safety and driver comfort come together in the game-changing New Generation DAF XF, XG and XG⁺.
欧卡七姐妹 中的 斯堪尼亚 、奔驰、 曼恩 、 沃尔沃 、 依维柯 、 雷诺,六大品牌已经完成了车型换代,唯独只剩下 达夫 (DAF),而这个在国内并没有多少存在感的欧洲品牌,也在2021年6月9日发布了旗下新一代重卡车型。 作为欧卡七姐妹之一的达夫(DAF)卡车,诞生于欧洲荷兰,也是一家拥有九十多年历史的老牌车企,但由于没有在国内发售且没有大批量的进入国内,让其在国内的知名度都不如其他几个品牌。 达夫(DAF)卡车的故事从1928年的一个修车小作坊开 …
Welcome to DAF- DAF Trucks Ltd, United Kingdom
DAF offers industry-leading commercial vehicles and services for highest transport efficiency. Our New Generation DAF XG⁺ , XG, XF, XD and XB trucks are recognised for their advanced design, low operating costs and superior level of driver comfort.
DAF - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
DAF Trucks N.V. (荷蘭語: Van Doorne's Automobiel Fabriek,縮寫為 DAF),為 歐洲 著名的 商用车辆 生產商,1928年成立於 荷蘭。 1928年4月1日,DAF由Van Doorne兩名兄弟Hub及Wim成立,初期為汽車修理工場。 1930年,DAF生產掛接拖架。 1949年,DAF開始生產商用車,第一款型號為A10小型客貨車,之後DAF生產各類型的 貨車 及 巴士。 1958年,DAF開始生產 私家車,首先有600型,之後就有33、44、55、66型等私家車。 1972年,DAF私家車部門被 富 …
Neue Generation DAF XF, XG und XG⁺- DAF Trucks Deutschland …
Die neuen XF, XG und XG + sind die neue zukunftsfähige Generation von DAF-Lkw für den Fernverkehr und Schwerlastanwendungen. Alle Fahrerhausvarianten zeichnen sich durch ein ansprechendes und äußerst aerodynamisches Design aus und profitieren von den neuen europäischen Vorschriften für Gewichte und Abmessungen.
New Generation DAF trucks: Powering Customer Success
2024年10月10日 · DAF introduced its industry-leading New Generation XF, XG and XG + vehicles for long and heavy haulage in 2021, followed by the versatile XD series for regional and vocational applications in 2022.