Dahut - Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Dahut is one of the bosses in Agartha. She is an NPC-only Rider Class Servant. While she resembles Francis Drake, she has several differences to her playable counterpart.
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DahutWP (ダユーWP, Dayū?), Class Name Rider of Ys (イースのライダー, Īsu no Raidā?), is a Rider-class Servant appearing in the Agartha Singularity in Fate/Grand Order: Epic of …
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A Dragon Girl's Water Margin.
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FGO九周年官方公布【日服】120级五星从者人气排行榜。 【更新中····】
Just realized the path to a potential ”Dahut” Servant ... - Reddit
Pirate princess “Dahut” aka. for all intents and purposes now has the perfect container to manifest in. Thank you, .
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召喚された後はアガルタの一角「廃都イース」の女王として君臨し、部下の女海賊達とともに略奪と淫蕩の破滅的な生活を送っていたが、レイシフトしてきた主人公達と対立して交戦した …