Daisy Duck, along with Donald Duck, can be found in her meet-and-greet area. Attendees can choose to have photos with Disney Friends. Donald and Daisy's costumes have articulated …
Go back in time and check out the evolution of Daisy Duck in Disney Theme Parks and how her costume has changed over the past 40+ years of her making appeara...
Daisy's alter ego as Super Daisy (Paperinika in Italian) was designed by writer Guido Martina and artist Giorgio Cavazzano as a female counterpart to the "Duck Avenger" ("Paperinik" in …
This is how Donald and Daisy Duck costumes have changed over the years. Sometimes, short people performed the two previous Donald and Daisy costumes before the current ones. Both …
Daisy Duck is a popular Disney Character. She originated in animated shorts in the 1930s and has also appeared in a number of features and TV shows. Daisy appears regularly at all the …
He has a girlfriend named Aydis who looks like Daisy Duck, and he also has five soldiers, two of them are named Little Bo and Big Brutus. Andold wears a helmet, topped with a miniature …