Time corridor | Tardis | Fandom
Daleks use a time corridor to reach 1984. (TV: Resurrection of the Daleks) A time corridor, also called a time-space induction channel and sometimes referred to as a time tunnel, was a form …
Doctor Who - Dalek Time Tunnel - YouTube
The Dalek Time Tunnel from the 1972 Jon Pertwee story "Day of the Daleks". Filmed on 12th April 2009. Still recognisable after 38 years, but for how much lon...
Dalek Teleport | Day of the Daleks | Doctor Who - YouTube
The Doctor investigates some tunnels, and is ambushed by a teleporting Dalek.The Dalek prop appears to have malfunctioned during the filming of this scene, a...
The Wrinklies at the Dalek Time Tunnel Part 1 - YouTube
The Wrinklies, and Chicken Man in particular, take the battle to the Daleks at their time tunnel. Location as seen in the 1972 story Day of the Daleks. 20th ...
Dalek | Tardis | Fandom
However, after the neutronic exchange that wiped out the "humanoid Dalek", or Dal, civilisation, the Dalek Prime created by Davros reemerged from underground, and, passing itself off as a …
Daleks - Villains Wiki | Fandom
They are an alien race of squid-like superorganisms from the planet Skaro, modifying in robotic tank-like machines called "Mark III Travel Machines", invented by their creator, Davros. Their …
神秘博士与戴立克 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
英国国宝级剧集《神秘博士》中有一句经典台词,“YOU ARE A GOOD DALEK”——Dalek对博士说的。 Dalek(戴立克)是全系列最大反派之一。所有外星种族中,Dalek的战斗力是无可争 …
Theory:Timeline - Daleks | Tardis - Fandom
While the Dalek Emperor and Dalek Strategist are conferring with their counterparts in the Mechonoid City, the Dalek Drones become impatient and attack the Mechanoids. All but the …
Dalek | A Brief History Of Time (Travel) - shannonsullivan.com
As the reinvigorated Dalek rampages through van Statten's compound, Rose begins to uncover the awful truth behind the Doctor's hatred of his enemy. The Daleks were Doctor Who 's most …
Dalek | Alien Species | Fandom
They also have very powerful weaponry, most famously the 'gunstick', with various levels of power ranging from 'stun' to a level which can destroy a large house. There are other attachments …
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