约 3 个结果

Why is damn a swear word while dang and darn aren't?
2019年2月25日 · Damn has religious connotations. It is wishing eternal suffering on someone (or, I suppose, something). Among people who consider casual blasphemy unacceptable, this is bad.
What does "goddamn" mean exactly? - English Language Learners …
2023年4月21日 · American English speakers often refer to the use of all kinds of offensive words as "cursing" (or 'cussing'). Actually, "God damn" is probably one of the few utterances that is really a 'cur
meaning - "I don't give a rip!" What's a "rip"? - English Language ...
I would not use "I give a rip!". In my AmE dialect, "rip" has a sense of worthlessness that makes it not an exact synonym with "I give a damn!".