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Duke University
We start this review by discussing different perspectives existing in the literature regarding the main causes for individuals’ unethical behavior. As highlighted below, the most recent models proposed in the literature to understand unethical behavior …
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Draft Programme
Prof. Dan Smit, Urban Policy Adviser, South Africa: The Shift to Sustainable Human Settlement Creation in South Africa. Reflections on Policy, Practice and Vision.
Title: Sprinting with Small Steps: China’s Cadre Management and Authoritarian Resilience Authors: Pang, Baoqing; Keng, Shu; Zhong, Lingna. Abstract: In the past two decades, a new pattern of...
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Email [email protected] Dan Xie ï£µéŠ 9N  Research topics 1) Heritage of the Great Wall and traditional settlements 2) Cultural routes and landscapes 3) Regional architecture and culture Selected publications (5) 1) Architecture of Zijing Pass of the Great Wall in Ming Dynasty (Suzhou: Phoenix Science Press, June 2020) 2 ...
经检索统计,我校2022年2月1日至2022年2月28日,SCIE数据库(Web of science核心合集)中新增我校论文数据121条,其中我校作者为第一作者或通讯作者的论文85篇。 现按第一作者或通讯作者所属机构(校内或各直属、附属医院)、校内各二级单位、第一作者或通讯作者、期刊分区进行发文量统计。 一、第一作者或通讯作者所属机构统计 ....
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本世纪初开始,以金海教授、冯丹教授为代表的中青年科学家开展了分布式计算与网络存储领域的研究工作,在以网络为基础的分布式系统领域开展了集群服务器架构、网格计算中间件、大规模对等流媒体服务、系统虚拟化、网络存储系统、对象存储系统等研究工作,先后3次作为首席科学家承担了国家973基础研究计划项目。 近几年来,在“千人计划”的支持下,以杨天若教授、陈敏 …
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CONCLUSIONS: The T-SPOT.TB test is considered a milestone discovery in the diagnosis of TB; there are still many false-positive samples, but the diagnostic specificity was improved in the study, allowing spinal infections to be treated accurately and in a timely manner. DOI: 10.1089/sur.2023.089 PMID: 37437114 3.
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Extended phase-space symplectic-like integrators for coherent post-Newtonian Euler-Lagrange equations.
ZHOU Dan, YUAN Zhi, LI Ji, FAN Wei.An Advanced Fuzzy Control Strategy for Hybrid Energy Storage Systems Considering Smoothing of Wind Power Fluctuations at Future Moments[J].Power Generation Technology,2024,45(3):412-422.
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与中南大学湘雅医院合作共建的国家神经疾病区域医疗中心建设项目——“中南大学湘雅医院江西医院”正在加紧建设中。 医院现有爱国路院区和红谷滩院区2个院区,开放床位2764张。 拥有国家级项目人才、享受国务院政府特殊津贴、省主要学科带头人、省政府特殊津贴、新世纪百千万人才工程、高层次高技能领军人才、省级学会主任委员等各类专家270余人次。 —四大优势学科—...
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