Artifact Revamp - DAoC Official Forums
Some artifacts have really cool /use, but it's nice that there is a little compromise to be done to using them. I mean there are some good artifacts still used (Zo, SoK, Egg, SoG, zahur crown, …
Official Item Search Tool - DAoC Official Forums
Artifacts activation level requirement Champion/epic weapons/Armor level requirements and any other items that have requirements that don’t match there bonus levels. If you select a class it …
Artifacts - DAoC Official Forums
2020年2月12日 · Artifacts. On Wednesday, 12. February 2020. Amurdora. February 2020 in Raids and Events. MIDGARD! I'm ...
Breach: The Mazes & Traveling Merchants - DAoC Official Forums
2024年4月30日 · DAoC Community Lead Broadsword Online Games. Tagged: Dev Post; Comments. Northerncross_G. April 2024 PM.
Hybrid Friar Template - DAoC Official Forums
So here is something that can be done to fix the piety hole. If you switch the OW arcane ring for an OW adept, then imbue on the legs 29 quick 9 heat, 20 piety, and 4 parry and then on the …
New and Returning Player Guides - PostCount.Net
Artifacts List To compliment my existing guide to activating artifacts I have created an artifacts list, which tells you: - The artifact slot - some of the main abilities - the total cost of credit and book, …
[QoL] Artifacts - DAoC Official Forums
I wouldn't touch the artifacts that are already commonly used, like SoK, Zo, EoY, winged helm, traitors dagger, etc. Better stats and updated procs on chestpieces could be nice, same with …
Leveling Artifacts - PostCount.Net
2015年12月16日 · Did Mythic ever change the way that artifacts level up? Been working on leveling up Traldor's Oracle staff on a friar and a mauler for use in Molvik, but it is taking a long …
Vamp template - DAoC Official Forums
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Group Skald Template (Updated) - DAoC Official Forums
I welcome all constructive feedback and thoughts on improvement. I'm running a L50 Troll Skald (50BS | 39 Hammer | 18 Parry.