Derby Kelly is Cockney Rhyming Slang for Belly!
2000年4月21日 · Derby Kelly is proper old cockney slang. Immortalised by Harry Champion in the song Boiled Beef and Carrots. Makes you fit and keeps you well. On boiled beef and carrots. It …
Why Is Derby Slang For Belly? - Tovisorga.com
2022年11月17日 · “Derby Kell” is old Cockney rhyming slang for belly (“Derby Kelly”). “Blow out your kite” means “fill your stomach”. It uses the word kite (also kyte), a dialect word, originally …
British Slang For Stomach (Explained!) - Foreign Lingo
2024年1月28日 · The most common British slang terms for stomach are “belly” or “tummy”. These are universal and by far the most common. “Tumtum” is sometimes used though mainly by …
Derby Kelly - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2023年8月31日 · (Cockney rhyming slang) belly. 1909, Charles Collins, Fred Murray, Boiled Beef and Carrots: Boiled beef and carrots, Boiled beef and carrots, That's the stuff for your Derby …
darby kelly, n. — Green’s Dictionary of Slang
Probably from some mid-nineteenth century individual of criminal fame in Derbyshire. The Derby would appear to be conclusive as to origin. J. Franklyn Dict. of Rhy. Sl. 56: Derby Kelly. Belly. …
Darby Kelly............ | It's a LondonThing | LibraryThing
2012年12月8日 · Darby Kelly appears to come from an Irish ballad from the early 19th. C. The song describes three generations of military drummers bearing the same name.
Lyr Req/Add: Darby Kelly - Mudcat
Darby Kelly was a famous person real or not and it rhymed with belly. Once it was in use you could just say Darby and people knew what you meant. Google Harry Monk for some more fun.
Why Is Your Belly Called A Derby? - Readersfact
2022年5月4日 · Why is your belly called a derby? On boiled meat and carrots. Derby Kell is an old Cockney slang that rhymes with belly (derby kelly). … It uses the word kite (also “kite”), a …
Why is derby kelly rhyming slang for belly? - Answers
2022年4月28日 · Why is derby kelly rhyming slang for belly? Because it rhymes! I think Derby Kelly was a singer, I seem to recall she was the first woman to have 2 songs in the UK top ten …
Why Is A Derby A Belly? - Tovisorga.com
2022年11月17日 · “Derby Kell” is old Cockney rhyming slang for belly (“Derby Kelly”). “Blow out your kite” means “fill your stomach”. It uses the word kite (also kyte), a dialect word, originally …