Dark Gem | Dark Souls 3 Wiki
2016年6月5日 · Dark Gem is an ore in Dark Souls 3. Dark Gem location, effects, lore, notes and tips for Dark Souls 3.
Dark Gem - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon …
The Dark Gem (Japanese: あくのジュエル Evil Jewel) is a type of held item introduced in Generation V. It is one of the Gems and is an unobtainable held item in Generation VI onwards.
Dark Gem | Pokémon items - Pokémon Database
When held, the Dark Gem increases the power of a damaging Dark-type move by 30%. It is consumed after first use, but is not used if the attack misses. Only the final type of a move is considered, so moves that vary type (e.g. Nature Power) or moves changed by abilities (e.g. Pixilate) are boosted by the type of Gem the move turns into. Changes
恶之宝石(道具) - 神奇宝贝百科,关于宝可梦的百科全书
恶之宝石 (日文︰ あくのジュエル,英文︰ Dark Gem)是 对战影响道具 之一, 宝石 的一种。 使用 恶屬性 招式时,提升本次攻击30%的威力。 提升威力: 50% → 30%。 恶属性的宝石。 携带后,恶属性的招式威力仅会增强1次。 恶属性的宝石。 携带后,恶属性的招式威力仅会增强1次。 恶属性的宝石。 携带后,恶属性的招式威力仅会增强1次。 恶属性的宝石。 携带后,恶属性的招式威力仅会增强1次。 Let's Go! 皮卡丘Let's Go! 伊布. 恶属性的宝石。 携带后,恶属性的招 …
暗黑宝石 (Dark Gem) - [EC]邪恶工艺 (EvilCraft) - MC百科
暗黑宝石 (Dark Gem)资料的介绍页面,此资料来自模组[EC]邪恶工艺 (EvilCraft),我的世界MOD百科,提供Minecraft(我的世界)MOD(模组)物品资料介绍教程攻略和MOD下载。
List of 66 Black Gemstones & Crystals: Names ... - Fierce Lynx …
2023年10月26日 · Explore the world of black crystals and stones - their meanings, historical significance, and metaphysical properties. Discover how to choose, care for, and wear black gemstones and their impacts on metal healing and protection
Dark Gem - Darksouls3
Dark weapons inflict dark damage, and scale with faith. Can be used to Infuse Weapons / Shields, adding Dark damage and granting Intelligence and Faith Scaling, but reducing Strength and Dexterity Scaling. Also reduces base damage.
Serebii.net ItemDex - Dark Gem
When held, it strengthens the power of a Dark-type move one time. Brilliant Diamond: Shining Pearl: A gem with an essence of darkness. When held, it strengthens the power of a Dark-type move one time. Scarlet: Violet: An item to be held by a Pokémon. This gem is imbued with the essence of darkness and will boost the power of a Dark-type move ...
Dark Gem - Dark Souls 3 Guide - IGN
2016年11月3日 · Used in infusion to create dark weapons and shields. Requires the Profaned Coal for Andre the Blacksmith to infuse. Infusing this gem adds dark damage, and increases intelligence and faith...
Dark Gem | SS | Smogon Strategy Pokedex - Smogon University
Dark Gem | SS | Smogon Strategy Pokedex - Smogon University ... Loading... ...