Darkz T2 Supreme - Audio Group Denmark
The Darkz T2 Supreme are made from titanium, which has excellent material properties that allow a perfect resonance control. Furthermore, the Darkz discs are following an elaborate process …
Ansuz Darkz S2t & T2 resonant waves - The Ear
2023年3月21日 · The Darkz S2t is a relatively straightforward resonance controller formed of three stainless steel rings with six titanium interlayer balls between them and a threaded …
絕無副作用的正面提升-Ansuz Darkz C2T / D2T / T2 避振腳墊 - U …
Ansuz Darkz 系列腳墊共有四款,這次代理商愛樂音響送來評測的是檔次「比較」低的前三款,由低至高分別是 C2T、D2T 和 T2,最貴的 T2S 沒來。 雖說 C2T、D2T、T2 檔次較低,但實際 …
Ansuz Darkz Resonance Control | HFA - The Independent Source …
2023年8月1日 · The Darkz T2 and T2 Supreme are made from titanium, which has excellent material properties that according to Ansuz allow ideal resonance control. Furthermore, the …
Ansuz Darkz T2/Resonance Control (Each) – House Of Stereo
Ansuz Darkz resonance control devices absorb vibrations that are not directly related to the signal path. The absorption results in an audible vibration feedback, which affects the sound quality.
谐振克星,Ansuz Darkz S2T/ T2S脚座 | FIPLAY
2024年1月26日 · 从网站上看到,目前Darkz脚座一共有5款,级别从低到高分别有Darkz C2T、Darkz S2T、Darkz T2、Darkz T2 Supreme和Darkz Z2 Signature。 这些产品使用基本一致的 …
Ansuz Darkz T2S – HiFi Knights
2020年11月8日 · The entire Ansuz Darkz family belongs to the latter group and sports four differently priced performance tiers; C2T, D2T, T2 and today’s top of the line T2S. All listed …
Ansuz Darkz Resonance Control C2t, D2t, S2t, T2, T2supreme, …
The Darkz C2T resonance control is created with three aluminium discs that have been treated with an extra hard anodization to optimize the material to lead away unwanted vibrations.
Ansuz Acoustics Darkz T2 Supreme Record Stabilizer — Audiophilia
2022年1月28日 · The T2S (Supreme) Ansuz Darkz Record Stabilizer is machined out of solid Titanium and weighs 374 grams. It can be used on nearly any turntable, even on floating …
Ansuz Darkz T2 Supreme/Resonance Control - House Of Stereo
The Darkz T2 Supreme are made from titanium, which has excellent material properties that allow a perfect resonance control. Furthermore, the Darkz discs are following an elaborate process …