Direct analysis in real time - Wikipedia
In mass spectrometry, direct analysis in real time (DART) is an ion source that produces electronically or vibronically excited-state species from gases such as helium, argon, or nitrogen that ionize atmospheric molecules or dopant molecules.
DART-MS | Bruker
DART-MS delivers critical forensic information in the timescales needed for highly effective investigation. Use DART-MS to analyze seized drugs - traditional drugs, NPS (new psychoactive substances), psychoactive plants, e-liquids, steroids, and supplements - toxicology, explosives, gunshot residue/propellants, and fire debris/ignitable liquids ...
DART实时直接分析质谱离子源介绍 - 分析测试百科网
2010年8月9日 · 实时直接分析(Direct Analysis in Real Time)简称DART,是一种热解析和离子化技术。 DART操作简单,样品置放于DART源出口和一台LC-MS质谱仪的离子采样口,便可进行分析。
Direct analysis in real time--a critical review on DART-MS
Direct analysis in real time mass spectrometry (DART-MS) has become an established technique for rapid mass spectral analysis of a large variety of samples. DART-MS is capable of analyzing the sample at atmospheric pressure, essentially in the open laboratory environment.
实时直接质谱分析(direct analysis in real-time mass spec- trometry,DART-MS)作为一种典型的直接质谱分析技术,可在开放环境中实现样品的快速分析,具有 性能稳定、操作简单、分析快速等优点,自2005年被报道以来,便引起了广泛的关注。 本文从DART电...
Forensic applications of DART-MS: A review of recent literature
2021年3月1日 · Since its inception direct analysis in real time mass spectrometry (DART-MS) has been a powerful tool for the field of forensic chemistry due the ability to rapidly obtain a near complete chemical profile of a sample.
Direct analysis in real time-mass spectrometry for rapid ... - Nature
2020年9月23日 · In this study, we aimed to develop and validate a simple, rapid and reliable DART tandem mass spectrometry (DART–MS/MS) method for the determination of five anti-arrhythmic drugs and one...
Direct analysis in real time—a critical review on DART-MS
2013年9月15日 · Direct analysis in real time mass spectrometry (DART-MS) has become an established technique for rapid mass spectral analysis of a large variety of samples. DART-MS is capable of analyzing the sample at atmospheric pressure, …
本文介绍了最近5年兴起的环境离子化技术 - 实时直接分析质谱(DART-MS)实现食品中药物残留和食品包装材料中添加物的快速筛选和确证分析方法及应用。 实时直接分析(DART )是一种非表面接触型解析/离子化新技术。 其原理是在环境空气条件下,中性或惰性气体(如氮气或氦气)经放电产生的激发态原子用于瞬间解吸附并离子化样品表面的标志性化合物,以质谱或串联质谱检测化合物离子,实现样品的实时直接快速分析。 DART无需对样本进行繁杂的化学处理,或需稍做简单的样品 …
DART-MS 实时直接分析质谱系统_参数_价格-仪器信息网
实时直接分析(DART®)为新型原位电离新技术,是继电喷雾离子化(ESI)及大气压化学电离(APCI)成功解决了生物和有机分子的分析之后,又一个具有划时代意义的质谱离子化技术,用以满足实验室对样品高通量分析的要求和对现场、无损、快速、低碳、原位、直接分析的需求。 该技术由美国的 Robert Cody 博士和 Jim Laramee 博士于 2002 年发明,于 2005 年由 JEOL 和 IonSense 公司商品化并获得当年匹兹堡仪器博览会撰稿人金奖和美国 R&D 100 创新大奖。 …
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