Darui | Narutopedia | Fandom
Darui (ダルイ) is a shinobi of Kumogakure and the right-hand-man of the Fourth Raikage,[4] whom he later succeeds as the Fifth Raikage (五代目雷影, Godaime Raikage, literally meaning: Fifth Lightning...
达鲁伊 - 百度百科
达鲁伊,日本漫画《火影忍者》及其衍生作品中的男性角色,雷之国·云隐村的上忍,四代目雷影的护卫。 三代目雷影 黑色雷遁的唯一继承者,可以使用血继限界“ 岚遁 ” [1],将剑术与雷遁忍术使用的出神入化(《皆之术》评价)。 曾被四代目雷影称为是自己的“第二只右手”。 在忍界大战中担任第一部队队长(中距离联合军分队),作战英勇。 忍界大战结束若干年后,达鲁伊继任成为五代目雷影,由 奥摩伊 担任他的护卫。 深色皮肤、白色长发,刘海遮住左眼,厚嘴唇。 左、右两肩 …
达鲁伊 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
达鲁伊 (日语:ダルイ)是 岸本齐史 所创作的漫画 《火影忍者》 及其衍生作品的登场角色。 血继限界岚遁使用者。 白发披盖住左眼,黑色皮肤,性格较散慢,双肩分别纹着「雷」和「水」字的云上忍。 三代雷影 黑色雷遁的唯一传人。 对四代雷影艾极忠心,曾被其说为是自己的「第二只右手」。 口头禅是「好懒」和「抱歉」。 名字 ダルイ 有「懒」或「怠」之意。 第四次忍界大战时期,担任第一部队:中距离联合军部队队长。 与秽土转生的前辈金角、银角兄弟展开激烈交 …
Darui - Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Darui is a supporting character in the Naruto anime and manga series. He is a sensor ninja from the Hidden Cloud Village aka Kumogakure. He is able to emit rays of light with his chakra to hurt enemies and temporarily blind them so he can make his move.
Viewing Profile -> Darui
Darui resists more when it is discovered that the Cloud’s well-kept secret is a hunched, reedy, and grumpy old man. This quickly changes when the old man shares his dubious hope that Darui is a far better student than his father.
Darui | Naruto, One Piece and Fairy Tail Wiki | Fandom
Darui is a jonin -level shinobi from Kumogakure, and the right-hand-man of the Fourth Raikage. Darui is a fairly tall, dark-skinned man with a slightly bulbous nose, a lazy look in his eyes and shaggy white hair which covers his left eye.
How Old is Darui in Boruto? - Playbite
Darui is around 40 years old in Boruto. He's still rocking that cool, laid-back vibe even as Raikage!
Darui Naruto - Narutodle
At 26 years old, Darui with a height of 185 is known for an affiliation in Kumogakure among the various villages and groups that characters can join in the Naruto World. Darui has a nature type Storm Release that is one of the five basic nature transformations in the Naruto series.
Wednesday Character Roundup - Darui : r/Naruto - Reddit
2021年4月21日 · His Black Lightning Panther attack will always be one of the coolest jutsu in the show. Level-headed, reliable, and smooth, Darui really encapsulates what Raikage of the past have been/have aspired to be. He starts out in a position of renown from the moment we first meet him, obviously commanding respect from his peers and Ay.
Darui - NaruSaku Wiki
2024年9月15日 · Darui is a character in the Naruto franchise. Names in Other Languages.