Digital Adherence Technologies Supporting TB Treatment | DAT
2024年10月28日 · DATs offer the opportunity for a more person-centered care model; the opportunity for an efficient healthcare system; and they can support healthcare providers when treating people affected by TB. Our website is intended as a resource for countries and national TB programmes to set up DATs as a supportive tool in TB treatment.
Digital Adherence Technologies | Stop TB Partnership
Digital adherence technologies (DATs) are tools designed to support people with TB with taking their medications. Compared to traditional directly observed therapy (DOT), the tools allow for people to take their medications at a place and time that is convenient to them, while remaining connected to their health care provider.
本文以石墨烯的wannier90_hr.dat文件和POSCAR文件进行计算。 对于代码二和代码三,计算沿着高对称路径的2D能带是一样的,但是计算3D能带和费米面有所不同。 在代码二中,3D能带和费米面的撒点区域为正交的 k_x 方向和 k_y 方向(矩形或正方形),或者为倒格子的 b_1 方向和 b_2 方向(菱形)。 在代码三中,3D能带和费米面的撒点区域为对称化后的 第一布里渊区 (正六边形)。 注意本文的文字说明和代码注释,同时,结合《MATLAB处理wannier90_hr.dat文件并画 …
Global DAT Task Force | Stop TB Partnership
Since 2015, major efforts have been made to accelerate the uptake of digital adherence technologies (DATs) for people-centered tuberculosis (TB) care and treatment modalities. To contribute to the further evaluation of DATs in line with the targets set forth in the Global Plan to End TB and the End TB Strategy, a Global Digital Adherence ...
The Global DAT Task Force - TB Digital Adherence
The Global DAT Task Force has provided technical assistance to countries in their DAT planning, roll-out and scale up, including: Budget development; Proposal development for the inclusion of DATs in Global Fund applications; Identifying additional local and global funding streams; Adherence platform comparison and selection; DAT implementation ...
ASCENT – Empowering people through digital technology
2023年11月27日 · With the idea of empowering people through Digital Adherence Technology (DAT), the ASCENT proeject has proven to be a game-changer in the realm of TB treatment and care.
DAT Adherence Platform
When paired with an overarching web-based adherence platform, digital adherence technologies (DATs) can enable: Enhancements to care. Improvements to adherence support. Empowerment of patients to self-manage their own treatment.
Digital Adherence Technologies - ASCENT
The ASCENT project helps people affected with TB successfully complete their treatment through the use of digital adherence technologies and data-driven support interventions, utilizing smart pill boxes and other innovations.
Digital treatment adherence and support technologies | Stop TB …
DATs are solutions designed to connect people remotely to health centers while simultaneously providing timely and valuable adherence-related information to healthcare workers, thus enabling more flexible, people-centred and tailored care. Under the iNTP, countries used one or …
Implementation outcomes of tuberculosis digital adherence …
2025年2月13日 · Digital adherence technologies (DATs) have the potential to provide person-centred care and improve outcomes. Using the reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation and maintenance (RE-AIM) framework, we conducted a scoping review of DAT implementations for TB treatment.