Welcome to Bone Marrow Transplantation - Nature
2024年11月16日 · Bone Marrow Transplantation is a high quality, peer-reviewed journal covering all aspects of clinical and basic haemopoietic stem cell transplantation.
Publicly Available Datasets - Center for International Blood and …
The CIBMTR makes its publication analysis datasets freely available to the public for secondary analysis while safeguarding the privacy of participants and protecting confidential and proprietary data.
Data on 137 Bone Marrow Transplant Patients - search.r-project.org
Data on 137 Bone Marrow Transplant Patients. a data frame with 137 observations on the following 22 variables. disease group; 1-ALL, 2-AML low-risk, 3-high-risk. time (in days) to death or on study time. disease-Free survival time (time to relapse, death or end of study) death indicator; 1-Dead, 0-Alive.
Summary Slides & Reports - Center for International Blood and …
The US Summary Slides are an annual report on data submitted to CIBMTR by centers in the US and describes information related to practices and general survival outcomes after cellular therapies. The current edition includes procedures performed prior to 2022. The US Summary Slides 2023 (PowerPoint) - Updated June 2024. To cite the US Summary Slides
Bone marrow transplantation data - search.r-project.org
Bone marrow transplantation data Description. This multi-center acute leukemia study consists of 137 patients with acute myelocytic leukemia (AML) or acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) aged 7 to 52 from March 1, 1984 to June 30, 1989 at four institutions (Klein and Moeschberger, 2003).
EXAMPLE DATA SASHELP.BMT is a patient-level data set containing 137 records for bone marrow transplant patients in a study by Klein and Moeschberger (1997). At the time of transplant, the patients were categorized into risk groups 1. ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukemia) 2. AML (acute myelocytic leukemia) – Low Risk 3.
bmt function - RDocumentation
Klein and Moeschberger (1997) Survival Analysis Techniques for Censored and truncated data, Springer. The <code>bmt</code> data frame has 137 rows and 22 columns.
Bone Marrow Transplant Data Copelan et al. (1991) study of allogeneic (from a donor) bone marrow transplant therapy for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Possible intermediate events are graft vs. host disease (GVHD), an immunological rejection response to the transplant, and platelet recovery, a
Transplant Center Data - BMT Infonet
What is a Blood Stem Cell Transplant? Diseases Treated by Transplants. Who Can Undergo a Transplant. Choosing a Transplant Center. How Stem Cells are Collected. Finding a Donor. …
Staff from the CIBMTR’s Resource for Clinical Investigation in BMT (RCI BMT), housed at NMDP, assist with site and data management on select Network trials. Together, the MCW and NMDP operate the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR).
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