All Gridded SST: NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory
Global surface marine data from 1800 to near the present summarized in monthly gridded formats (2°x2° boxes, or 1°x1° boxes from 1960 forward), and offering a variety of statistics. Gridded global SST anomalies from 1856-present derived from UK Met Office SST data which has had sophisticated statistical techniques applied to it to fill in gaps.
Sea Surface Temperature (SST)
Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Gridded SST datasets are available for monthly means and for daily. Values can be mean or anomalies. Gaps usually exist in SST dataets both in space and time. Different datasets use different models to fill in gaps.
SST data: HadiSST v1.1 | Climate Data Guide
2022年9月9日 · This page focuses on the SST data; see the separate page for discussion of HadISST sea ice. HadISST uses reduced space optimal interpolation applied to SSTs from the Marine Data Bank (mainly ship tracks) and ICOADS through 1981 and a blend of in-situ and adjusted satellite-derived SSTs for 1982-onwards.
SST data: NOAA High-resolution (0.25x0.25) Blended Analysis of …
2022年9月9日 · An SST analysis is a spatially gridded product created by interpolating and extrapolating data, resulting in a smoothed complete field. OISST provides global fields that are based on a combination of ocean temperature observations from satellite and in situ platforms (i.e., ships and buoys).
SST Data Sets: Overview & Comparison Table | Climate Data Guide
2012年10月20日 · Sea surface temperature (SST) data sets are an essential resource for monitoring and understanding climate variability and climate change. By surface area, SSTs are the dominant (~71%) input into merged global land-ocean surface temperature data products.
Integrated SST Data Products
2024年10月15日 · The Group for High-Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (SST) (GHRSST) provides a new generation of global high-resolution (<10km) SST products to the operational oceanographic, meteorological, climate and general scientific community. Discover and explore GHRSST formatted products in the GHRSST Catalogue.
Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature (ERSST)
The Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature (ERSST) dataset is a global monthly analysis of SST data derived from the International Comprehensive Ocean–Atmosphere Dataset (ICOADS). The dataset can be used for long-term global and basin-wide studies and incorporates smoothed local and short-term variations.
Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature (OISST)
Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature (OISST) The NOAA 1/4° Daily Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature (OISST) is a long term Climate Data Record that incorporates observations from different platforms (satellites, ships, buoys and Argo floats) into a regular global grid.
ACSPO Global SST from MODIS | NOAA CoastWatch
The MODIS SST data are produced from Terra and Aqua satellites using the NOAA Advanced Clear-Sky Processor for Ocean (ACSPO) enterprise system (Ignatov et al., 2016). Complete archive of ACSPO MODIS SST data is available for the entire Terra (24 Feb 2000-present) and Aqua (4 July 2002-present) missions in L3C (level 3 collated; 0.02°) format.
Sea Surface Temperature | NOAA CoastWatch - National Oceanic …
This analysis combines SST data from US, Japanese and European geostationary infrared imagers, and low-earth orbiting infrared (U.S. and European) SST data, into a single high-resolution 5-km product. The three flavors of blended SST products are night only; day/night, and diurnal warming.
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