2023 - Laman Web Jabatan Premier Sarawak
Datu Hii Chang Kee Timbalan Setiausaha Kerajaan Sarawak (Operasi) Di Bilik Mesyuarat UPPANS Tingkat 7 Wisma Bapa Malaysia. 12 Januari 2023 - Majlis Amanat Perdana Yang Amat Berhormat Premier Sarawak 2023 di Bcck Kuching Sarawa k.
Board of Directors - Business Events Sarawak
Datu Hii Chang Kee Deputy Sarawak State Secretary (Operation) State Secretary Office. Member YBhg. Dato Sri Dr. Wan Lizozman Bin Wan Omar ... Member YBhg. Datu Sherrina binti Hussaini Permanent Secretary Ministry of Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts Sarawak. Member YBhg. Datu Lester Anak Matthew Director Economic Planning Unit ...
Hii to assume duty as Deputy State Secretary on Jan 3
KUCHING (Dec 30): Permanent secretary to Sarawak’s Ministry of Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts, Datu Hii Chang Kee, will officially assume his duties as the new Deputy State ...
Pelantikan Hii sebagai Timbalan Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri adil
2023年1月2日 · KUCHING: Pelantikan Datu Hii Chang Kii sebagai Timbalan Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri baru-baru ini adalah adil kerana dinilai berdasarkan meritokrasi kata Pengerusi Parti Rakyat Bersatu Sarawak (SUPP) Cawangan Stakan Dato Sim Kiang Chiok.
Chang Kee HII - Deputy State Secretary - LinkedIn Malaysia
HII Chang Kee is currently the Deputy State Secretary of the State Government of Sarawak, Malaysia. The current responsibility includes overseeing public communication, service transformation and...
- 职位: Deputy State Secretary
- 位置: Premier’s Department Sarawak
Hii Chang Kee is now deputy State Secretary - PressReader
2022年12月31日 · KUCHING: Permanent secretary to the Ministry of Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts, Datu Hii Chang Kee, will officially assume duty as the new Deputy State Secretary on Jan 3. Hii, who hails from Sibu, said he was looking forward to taking on the challenges in his new role after receiving the appointment letter from the Sarawak ...
Dr Sim: Hii’s appointment as Deputy State ... - Borneo Post Online
2022年12月31日 · Hii will officially assume his duties as deputy state secretary on Jan 3, 2023. The 55-year-old from Sibu is the first from the Chinese community to be appointed to the post.
Deputy S’wak Secretary Hii’s appointment proves ... - DayakDaily
KUCHING, Jan 2: Datu Hii Chang Kee’s appointment as the new Deputy Sarawak Secretary proves that the Sarawak civil service would only offer important positions based on merit and not by race. Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) Stakan branch chairman Dato Sim Kiang Chiok said the post filled by Hii is the second highest after the Sarawak ...
58 Agensi Pentadbiran Bahagian dan Daerah Sarawak Diiktiraf …
2024年2月4日 · Sijil pengiktirafan tersebut disampaikan oleh pihak MBOR kepada Timbalan Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Sarawak (Operasi), YBhg Datu Hii Chang Kee dalam satu majlis ringkas yang diadakan di Wisma Bapa Malaysia 30 Januari 2024 yang lepas.
Sim: Hii as deputy state secretary proof anyone can be promoted
KUCHING (Jan 1): The appointment of Datu Hii Chang Kee as deputy State Secretary shows that the Sarawak civil service will promote any race to any important positions based on merit, and not on...