Dawn Daum (Author of Parenting with PTSD) - Goodreads
She is the co-editor of Trigger Points: Childhood Abuse Survivors Experiences of Parenting, and co-founder of the Trigger Points online survivor-parenting community and blog. Dawn's work has been featured on Huff Post Parents, Huff Post Comedy, …
Milestone Manor: Program and Philosophy
2021年1月29日 · Dawn Daum, Milestone Manor Program Director. The trauma-informed approach centers on a harm reduction model aimed at decreasing the harms associated with certain behaviors, including impulsive decision making, inability to manage treatment and medication management, self-injurious behaviors, and substance use.
Dawn White-Daum - Program Director - RISE Housing and
Dawn Daum is co-editor of the book Parenting with PTSD: the impact of childhood abuse on parenting. She is a mother of two, has an ACE score of 9, and has spent nearly 20...
- 职位: Trauma Informed Change: A …
- 位置: RISE Housing and Support Services
- 人脉数: 419
Dawn Daum: books, biography, latest update - amazon.com
Dawn Daum is co-editor of Parenting with PTSD. She spends her work week as a mental health care manager, helping others put and keep pieces of their lives together.
Why Aren’t Trauma Survivors Warned That Parenthood May Be a …
2017年4月22日 · Dawn Daum is co-editor of Parenting with PTSD: the impact of childhood abuse on parenting. Being a survivor of childhood abuse with an ACE score of 9, Dawn is passionate about bringing trauma-informed care to the forefront …
Trigger Points: Childhood abuse survivors experiences of parenting ...
2015年11月5日 · Dawn Daum is co-editor of Trigger Points: Childhood Abuse Survivors Experiences of Parenting. She spends her work week as a mental health care manager, helping others put and keep pieces of their lives together.
- 评论数: 22
- 作者: Joyelle Brandt, Dawn Daum
Parenting with PTSD: the impact of childhood abuse on parenting
2017年10月4日 · Dawn Daum is co-editor of Parenting with PTSD. She spends her work week as a mental health care manager, helping others put and keep pieces of their lives together. Working in the trenches of the mental health system, and being a survivor of childhood abuse with an ACE score of 9, Dawn is passionate about bringing trauma-informed care to the ...
- 评论数: 93
- 作者: Joyelle Brandt, Dawn Daum
What It's Like to Be a Parent With PTSD - The Mighty
2018年6月7日 · Dawn Daum is co-editor of Parenting with PTSD: the impact of childhood abuse on parenting. Being a survivor of childhood abuse with an ACE score of 9, Dawn is passionate about bringing trauma-informed care to the forefront …
2015年12月12日 · Introducing Trigger Points Editor & Contributor Dawn Daum, author of Raising a Girl as a Survivor and Permission to Love. “After my failed search for stories on what it’s like to live and experience motherhood as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, I was reminded how quiet survivors are.
Dawn Daum Books | List of books by author Dawn Daum - ThriftBooks
See all books authored by Dawn Daum, including Parenting with PTSD: the impact of childhood abuse on parenting, and Trigger Points Anthology: Abuse Survivors Experiences of Parenting, and more on ThriftBooks.com.