Trademarks | Day Law Firm
DAY Law Firm helps clients register trademarks with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. We provide low-cost, fixed-fee rates, and excellent client service.
Christopher Day, Trademark Attorney at Day Law Firm
Christopher Day is a trademark attorney practicing law in Scottsdale, Arizona. Christopher handles trademark prosecution issues before the United States Patent and Trademark Office, and has assisted clients with trademark litigation at both the District Court and Trademark Trial and Appeal Board levels.
Maggy Jennings, Trademark Legal Assistant at Day Law Firm
Day Law Firm helps clients register trademarks with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. We provide low-cost, fixed-fee rates, and excellent client service.
Trademark Status from Day Law Firm
Day Law Firm handles trademark registration and related matters for clients throughout the United States and around the world.
Trademark Status from Day Law Firm
To check the current status of US trademark application or registration, enter the 8-digit serial number and press "Get Status".
Payment - Day Law Firm
To make a payment, please log in by entering the proposal number and the email address we sent the proposal to.