Tomes - Official Dead by Daylight Wiki
For more information about what Tomes represent, please refer to the Archives Article.
Tome 21 - Dominus - Official Dead by Daylight Wiki
2024年10月8日 · Tome 21 - Dominus is the twenty-first Tome introduced to Dead by Daylight and released on 8 October 2024. It is accompanied by Rift 21, which will be open until 28 January 2025.
Dead by Daylight’s ANGUISH Tome Pushes To The Brink Of Despair
2025年1月28日 · Dead by Daylight’s ANGUISH Tome has opened, featuring tormented Outfits for The Blight and Jane Romero, deadly challenges to complete, and some of the most brutal unlockables your twisted mind can imagine.
Tome 1 - Awakening - Official Dead by Daylight Wiki
2019年10月30日 · Tome 1 - Awakening was the first Tome introduced to Dead by Daylight and opened on 30 October 2019. It was accompanied by Rift 1, the very first of its kind. Tome 1 added new Lore for the following Characters: He moves through the death and decay of the void. He doesn't remember his name. Everything's a blur. He feels pain in his stomach.
Tome 22 - Anguish - Official Dead by Daylight Wiki
2025年1月28日 · Tome 22 - Anguish is the twenty-second Tome introduced to Dead by Daylight and released on 28 January 2025. It is accompanied by Rift 22, which is scheduled to close on 6 May 2025.
Dead by Daylight’s DOMINUS Tome Is Peak Gothic Horror
2024年10月8日 · Dead by Daylight’s Tome 21: DOMINUS features Legendary Outfits for Dracula and Trevor Belmont, Castlevania-inspired Cosmetics, harrowing challenges to complete, and a chilling encounter with Death.
Category:Tomes - Official Dead by Daylight Wiki
The following 22 pages are in this category, out of 22 total.
Dead by Daylight's Tome 19: SPLENDOR, New Updates, & More
2024年4月23日 · TOME 19: SPLENDOR has opened, offering a glimpse into The Artist and Zarina Kassir’s past, where family ties cut deep—for better or for worse. This brand-new Rift features glamorous Outfits for several Killers and Survivors, with the Premium Track including an instantly unlockable Outfit for The Trapper on Tier 1 and a terrifying Ultra Rare ...
Tomes - Official Dead by Daylight Wiki
2019年10月30日 · For more information about what Tomes represent, please refer to the Archives Article. This Article serves as a link page to all Tomes released to date.
Tome 2 - Reckoning - Official Dead by Daylight Wiki
2020年1月8日 · Tome 2 - Reckoning was the second Tome introduced to Dead by Daylight and opened on 8 January 2020. It was accompanied by Rift 2. Overview []