dbx 234XL - dbx Professional Audio | English
Activates 40 Hz Butterworth, 12 dB/octave high-pass filter, one switch per channel. Inverts the phase at the output, one switch per output. Multiplies the low-high (mono: low/mid and high/mid) crossover frequency range of the front-panel markings …
音乐发烧友必看!DBX 223XL & 234XL:舞台音频处理神器揭秘
2025年2月3日 · 🎶dbx 234xl:三分频的全能选手. 接下来是dbx 234xl,这款三分频电子分频器更是专业级音频处理的代表作!它不仅能够将声音信号分成高音、中音和低音三个部分,还能独立控制每个部分的增益和相位,让你能够根据不同的场合和需求进行灵活调整🔧。
dbx 234XL Stereo/Mono Crossover | zZounds
dbx 234XL Stereo 2-Way/Mono 3 or 4-Way Crossover. XLR differentially balanced ins and outs. Mono 4-way or stereo 2-way/3-way operation. Subwoofer output.
dbx234分频器中文说明书 - 百度文库
1)立体声二分频模式立体声二分频模式控制键在蓝色水平线以下的标志,在立体声模式下通道1和通道2是相同的。 在立体声二分频模式不操作的部分在此不说明。 1和7INPUT GAIN 控制输入增益,控制范围为+-12db。 13和20LOWCUT低频切除,按下此开关,插入40HZ高通滤波器,同时发光二极管亮。 6和12HIGH OUTPUT wenku.baidu.com频段输出电平控制,调节范围在-oo—+6db之间。 17和24PHASEINVERT按下此开关可以将低频段输出的相位翻转180度,同时发光二极 …
HIFIDIY论坛-DBX 234XL 电子3分频器怎么样? - Powered by Discuz!
2019年1月23日 · 最近在淘宝上看见 (dbx 234xl 专业立体声24倍频程电子3分频器),如果用它来接6声道功放直推音箱高、中、低各单元,不知效果怎么样? 补充内容 (2015-7-27 18:05):
dbx 234XL - Sweetwater
Steep 24dB-per-octave filters keep frequency bands nice and tight, and you can also set the 234XL to cut frequencies below 40Hz to help keep your system from becoming boomy. A full set of front-panel LEDs gives you instant feedback, so you can easily check your configuration without having to get at the back of your rack.
DBX234XL三分频电子分频器双通道分频高中低频段低音炮分频 …
DBX234XL三分频电子分频器双通道分频高中低频段低音炮分频 234XL (三分频)图片、价格、品牌样样齐全! 【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!
dbx 234XL电子分频器 双通道分频 高中低频段 低音炮分频 三分频 …
234是立体声3分频/单声道4分频单元,基本功能和指标与223相同。 234的特色设计是可通过改变为立体声2分频/单声道3分频。 低频切除:有源40Hz Butterworth,12dB/oct高通滤波器,每通道一个开关。 相位反转:反转输出信号相位,每个输出一个开关。 x1/x10:将前面板所标的低频-中频(单声道:低频/低中频)分频范围乘因子1或10,每通道一个开关。 模式:选择立体声二分频或单声道三分频工作方式。 在单声道方式下,所有控制LED显示灯不起作用。 低频合成信号:选 …
234XL | dbx Professional Audio | English (US)
Let's take a look at the construction features of the dbx® 234XL. At first glance you'll notice the units are great looking, and as you turn the controls something else becomes apparent; these units are extremely well built. The controls exude great precision, and the feel is a solid "click".
234 | dbx Professional Audio | English
Activates 40 Hz Butterworth, 12 dB/octave high-pass filter, one switch per channel. Inverts the phase at the output, one switch per output. Multiplies the low-high (mono: low/mid and high/mid) crossover frequency range of the front-panel markings …
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